In Search of Split Front Bumper -
Glenn and Laureen - 09-20-2021
Does anyone know where I can get a split front bumper for my 1984 Classic? It originally came with one but a previous owner replaced it with a single piece bumper for looks. The problem is that I have to take the bumper off to pull my generator out to add coolant or adjust the air/fuel screw or to access the gen set for any reason.
My BIL, Clarke Hockwald, found a rear bumper on Ebay for his 82 a few years ago but no luck there at the moment.
RE: In Search of Split Front Bumper -
Guy - 09-21-2021
Our 3 piece front bumper started life at the factory as a one piece bumper. Looks like they "modified " a fire truck front bumper for their own purposes at Newell.
We have an extra front bumper center piece .I have no idea why I have been carrying it around for four years . I believe it is the remains of a Clarke Hockwald/Todd Flickema bumper adventure of some kind. We would gladly give it to you when we are in Texas this winter.
RE: In Search of Split Front Bumper -
whatsnewell - 09-21-2021
Todd and I actually bought the front and rear bumpers on eBay from a guy in Nebraska. Todd needed the front, and I needed the rear. He drove down to Nebraska to pick them up,
and then we stopped in South Dakota on our way west to get,
and install the rear bumper on my coach. I used part of the 'new' font bumper to replace bent pieces from the old bumper on Todd's coach. Whatever you have Guy, is what was left from that transplant.
RE: In Search of Split Front Bumper -
Guy - 09-21-2021
Now I know why my front bumper center section is a different finish from the side pieces.

Winter project will be sanding and polish all 3 pieces to match.
RE: In Search of Split Front Bumper -
Glenn and Laureen - 09-21-2021
Thanks to Guy and Clarke for the info. I will talk with Clarke and find out how his center piece attaches and then decide how to proceed. I guess I can get my current bumper cut into 3 sections if I can properly mount them after cutting. Guy, please hold on to that piece for a little longer as I may need to take you up on you offer.
RE: In Search of Split Front Bumper -
Guy - 09-21-2021
Here are a few pictures showing front 3 piece bumper mounting on our 84
RE: In Search of Split Front Bumper -
Glenn and Laureen - 09-22-2021
Thanks for the photos, Guy. Very helpful.
RE: In Search of Split Front Bumper -
Mageeacres - 09-22-2021
You can convert the bumper you have… if the six original mounting brackets are still on the coach, that’s twelve bolts (you probably only have four bolts now. Two for each end of the bumper)
Just drill holes in the bumper for the center section using the mounts as your guide, (that’s eight bolts) insert fender bolts with nuts to secure all four mounts four for the center section, and two for each inner bolt for each outer section of the bumper. then mark the bumper for cutting in two places between the bolts on the left and right of the center section mounts.
RE: In Search of Split Front Bumper -
Glenn and Laureen - 09-22-2021
Mike, I have only two mounting brackets remaining so I will have to figure out where to mount the additional ones I need for the center section. Thanks for the tip.
RE: In Search of Split Front Bumper -
Mageeacres - 09-22-2021
No problem Glenn, I will be in the Austin area in a couple of weeks , maybe end of October but I would be glad to look at it and see what could be done. Maybe the original brackets are still hidden behind the newer bumper? I’ll look at mine tomorrow and see if that’s possible. I live between dallas and tyler.