Aqua Hot Mobile Tech -
les korcala - 09-17-2012

Just wanted to mention another Aqua Hot Mobile Tech & factory Certified for HWH slide sytems, Aqua Hot
Don Moran operates his business out of Ennis, Montana and in teh winter he services Aqua Hot in Yuma , AZ
great guy to deal with and he will even show you what to lokk for or what to service on your own.
He did servied our AH system and replaced some parts , pulled the the wobasto , replaced the h/c water valve, checked the presure in the wobasto pumping diesel trough, it was great to take some notes and watch him performing service!
If you ever near the yellowstone or Bozeman , MT area you might wat to stop for few nights in great Ennis RV Village and while bird/wildlife watching , gol or fly fishing, Don can come nad work on your coch.
His shop is stone away from the RV village , he warks around the clock in the area , in November you can find him in Yuma , Arizona
his info: Don Moran 406 682-4100