Aqua Hot Termostat switches replacement help! - Printable Version
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Aqua Hot Termostat switches replacement help! -
les korcala - 10-23-2012

We are having problem with our Aqua Hot after servicing it few weeks ago and some $800 bill , having isues with switches keeping AH on!
what is happeining is that AHot will turn itself off and randomly turn itself on?
We called Newell and the have recomended all 4 termostat switches replacement ! Was wonder if anyone had same isue and also .
Before I do that i would flip the two brakers on my power panel in the coach, are there any fuses you would sugested to remove it or turn off near the circuit board right on Aqua Hot itself.
I did take some photos of teh panel with four switches position so I can put the back same way!
Love to hear if there are any aditional test I could do to be sure the termostas are the problem.
I have attached image of our AHot system
RE: Aqua Hot Termostat switches replacement help! -
rheavn - 10-23-2012
Roger Berke is a member of this forum & is truly an expert on the AquaHot systems we have. I would go to Roger's forum and ask your question there. He will walk you through diagnosing your problem. His web site is
RE: Aqua Hot Termostat switches replacement help! -
les korcala - 10-25-2012
Great will do it ( just joined his forum )