GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
folivier - 06-13-2013
Thinking of getting a new GPS, not too satisfied with my Magellan. Only thing I like about it is the 7" screen.
Considering of getting the Garmin dezl 7" or maybe using a 7" tablet with either Co-pilot software, or just using the built-in navigation. I would like to have the capability of height restrictions, turns, etc. on the tablet.
One other thing is why are gps's in landscape mode? Wouldn't it be better if they were in portrait mode? It would give you twice as much forward view of the map. At least with a tablet and the right mount I could use it like that.
Anyone using a 7" tablet for navigating in the coach?
RE: GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
Chester Stone - 06-14-2013
Forest, yes, I have Co-pilot installed on the same 10" tablet that I have the Silverleaf dash installed on which sits in my dash space. I also have the new Garmin Dezl installed above my head next to the tire monitor. I am very pleased with the Garmin and only keep the Co-pilot running in the background. The Garmin is substantially better than the Rand McNally, which I threw in the trash. If you have not made a decision by the time we get to Spearfish, you can see the setup in my coach.
RE: GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
folivier - 06-14-2013
Thanks Chester. Which version of Co-pilot do you have, regular, premium, or truck?
Sounds like premium has height restrictions while truck has quite a bit more. But for much more money. Still cheaper than the Garmin which is on my short list and I can use the tablet for so much more. Especially in the RZR off road.
RE: GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
Chester Stone - 06-14-2013
Forest, I have version, and i am not sure which version it is, but it think it is Truck so that i could get the truck restrictions. It cost $149.99, and I emailed CoPilot this morning to find out if I have the latest and best version. As soon as I find out, I will post. As I stated, I primarily rely on my Garmin and run the CoPilot and Silverleaf dash on my 10" tablet, and I merely tap an icon and CoPilot pops up. One thing I am trying to figure out today is how to get my selected "Points of Interest" to show up automatically on the Garmin. Boy, I wish I had my RZR with me for Spearfish. Perhaps next year I will trade my Honda Odyssey for a pickup.
RE: GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
Chester Stone - 06-14-2013
Forest, I just got an email from CoPilot confirming I have their latest version which is CoPilot Live v9 Truck Laptop. If you buy the cheaper "Personal" version, I do not think you will get the length, height and weight restrictions that you get with the Truck version.
RE: GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
prairieschooner - 06-14-2013
Thanks for that Chester. Between you and Forest you guys helped to make up my mind. I'll be picking one up a GAMIN DEZL760 tomorrow.
RE: GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
Fulltiming - 06-14-2013
Steve, the Garmin RV 760 LMT was just released. It is the same as the DEZL but has a bigger RV database.
RE: GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
folivier - 06-14-2013

Hey Chester would you mind comparing the routes between the Garmin and Co-pilot while you're driving to the rally?
I'd like to see how you think they compare.
You don't need a truck to haul your Rzr Chester. Just a long set of ramps:
RE: GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
encantotom - 06-15-2013
i have darlene as my gps. i just it straight, left or right.
between the rand mcnally rv one (which we have not used on this trip) and the atlas and two phone gps's we have gotten places just fine.
an old friend of mine called to warn us about the bridge by his house in mason city iowa saying it was only 12' and the other one is 13'10"
yesterday darlene had both smart phones giving us directions. as they were both talking to her at the same time i asked her how she likes getting direction from a couple of women and that is how i felt....ha
tom in fort dodge iowa walmart humongo parking lot pointed toward a grassy field.
RE: GPS or Tablet for navigating? -
rheavn - 06-15-2013
Quite a few years ago I made similar comment to Suzy................................
I now use a Garmin 760!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!