Its almost done! All that is left is to bolt up the bolster to the header, I'm not happy with the fitment its higher on one end than the other. I'm constantly trying to figure out what was factory and what was a monkey with a wrench. Kathleen has spend hours if not days steam cleaning the carpet, I have been warned not to be myself.
Thank you Simon, I took the bolster off yesterday and modified the mount, it was high by .5 inch on one side and stuck out further on one end by .5 inch. Now its nice and tight. Today we start on another project.
Jack, you and your wife are amazing! The project required so many hours and it is nearly impossible for us readers to comprehend all the challenges you have overcome. The finished product is extraordinary..
Thank you for sharing.
Gordon Jones
1989-42~no slide-#188
1999-45’-no slide Prevost XLV Marathon
Thank you Gordon, we enjoy this type of thing and there is no one I know I would rather work with than her. I will say if not for this forum and the knowledge of the people here this would have been a nightmare or I would have spent thousands at Newell to get it back into shape. I have burned up the search engine on this forum and its amazing how much information there is here from gearheads like myself. We have lots of repairs in front of us and this forum is the best tool I have.