(02-27-2023, 06:47 AM)hypoxia Wrote: One of my very good friends brought his cousin who just got certification for working on RVs - he completely understood the Valid system. Even though my engine batteries are done and the coach batteries nearly done (2 8Ds in hand, 6 on the way), we were able to trouble shoot the Valid 5 pack for the back. I have a bad solenoid for the right raise. So in a week or so we should be able to get it up and then see if any of the bags of bad... Thanks for everyone's input. I will keep you apprised...
I'm curious, is it a 5 pack or 6 pack? I have not seen a 5 pack. Also, is the solenoid bad or is the coil on the solenoid bad? I think you will find the coil to be a Hydraforce 4301512 which are readily available, I carry spares of them. You can check resistance through them or just move the coil from one valve to the next. You may be interested in this thread about the 6 pack valves.
Do you know the -019 o-ring type (EPDM, etc) and inside/outside sizes?
Dave Head & Megan Westbrook
2009 Newell 46' Custom #1261
former Foretravel guru, 93 U280, 95 U320C
Titusville FL (The Great Outdoors)
"O" Ring Size Chart shows 13/16 ID and 15/16 OD 1/16 Cross Section. I just use the cheap Buna N Nitrile O rings. As a side note I needed some O rings after hours and bought a kit from Harbor Freight a few years ago. They are falling apart in the container, I don't recommend them.
I highly recommend replacing the red pintle seals while you're in there.
2014 Newell Coach 1482 Mid Entry 45'8" Valid Slides and Valid Levelling
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2023, 02:10 PM by hypoxia.)
(02-28-2023, 02:04 PM)hypoxia Wrote: "O" Ring Size Chart shows 13/16 ID and 15/16 OD 1/16 Cross Section. I just use the cheap Buna N Nitrile O rings. As a side note I needed some O rings after hours and bought a kit from Harbor Freight a few years ago. They are falling apart in the container, I don't recommend them.
I highly recommend replacing the red pintle seals while you're in there.
Thanks! I have ordered 2 red pintle seals from Kleen-Rite. I will likely get the O rings from Grainger.
Dave Head & Megan Westbrook
2009 Newell 46' Custom #1261
former Foretravel guru, 93 U280, 95 U320C
Titusville FL (The Great Outdoors)
Parts are rolling in. Got my solenoid, Newell said the Conti 782N bags are 10-15 days out, so I am at the head of the line for 2. My 6 more 8Ds arrived (all old ones were 12/2015). Things are looking up!
Dave Head & Megan Westbrook
2009 Newell 46' Custom #1261
former Foretravel guru, 93 U280, 95 U320C
Titusville FL (The Great Outdoors)
(03-01-2023, 01:50 PM)Dhead Wrote: Parts are rolling in. Got my solenoid, Newell said the Conti 782N bags are 10-15 days out, so I am at the head of the line for 2. My 6 more 8Ds arrived (all old ones were 12/2015). Things are looking up!
I had no problem on the solenoid, but how do you remove the center post - I don't know if it is stuck, supposed to screw out, etc...
Dave Head & Megan Westbrook
2009 Newell 46' Custom #1261
former Foretravel guru, 93 U280, 95 U320C
Titusville FL (The Great Outdoors)
The center post is threaded, see my attached photos. Valid makes a tool VTL01T001 that slides over the center post and into the two small holes to unscrew it. It's on page 65 of the manual. I made a similar tool, I'll see if I have a photo of it.
2014 Newell Coach 1482 Mid Entry 45'8" Valid Slides and Valid Levelling
(This post was last modified: 03-10-2023, 03:47 PM by hypoxia.)
(03-10-2023, 03:43 PM)hypoxia Wrote: The center post is threaded, see my attached photos. Valid makes a tool VTL01T001 that slides over the center post and into the two small holes to unscrew it. It's on page 65 of the manual. I made a similar tool, I'll see if I have a photo of it.
Thanks Jim, I will call Valid on Monday and see if I can get the tool. Newell sent me the wrong air bags. No way I could see these bags could be used on an 09 Newell.
This weekend I yanked out all 8Ds as they were 7 years old. Amazon has a nice little hydraulic motorcycle lift that is perfect to remove and replace 8Ds. Lowest is about 8", but it rises to 33". I wouldn't use it for a motorcycle , too small...
After getting the coach to start and air up, I could hear the left raise solenoid click, but I still cant get any air into the bags (can't hear any air leaking either...).
Dave Head & Megan Westbrook
2009 Newell 46' Custom #1261
former Foretravel guru, 93 U280, 95 U320C
Titusville FL (The Great Outdoors)
The tool is best, BUT you can grab the post with Channel Locks. Just smooth out any burrs you might leave before sliding the coil back over the center post.
Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390 Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512 Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home )
Today is a very happy day - After cleaning up the 5 pack on the rear of the coach we got her up in the air for the first time since mid January. I still have 2 Firestone air bags plus the tag bag. The 2 bags should arrive within a month.
We plan to clean it up and get it ready for sale...
Dave Head & Megan Westbrook
2009 Newell 46' Custom #1261
former Foretravel guru, 93 U280, 95 U320C
Titusville FL (The Great Outdoors)