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Aqua Hot System Replacement

Hello all, 
My coach is a 1999 and the Aqua Hot system needs replaced (everything is bad and manifolds leak). Last I checked this is a $15,000 plus project. Are there any reasonable alternatives to the Aqua Hot System or do I just have to grin and bare it and spend the $$$$?

Racer, please call me between 8 and 8 central time. I have replaced 8 heaters now for way less than 15k.

Rudy Legett. 7 one 3 8 one 8. 3234

Talk to you then

Rudy Legett
2003 Foretravel U320 4010
ISM11 450 hp Allison 4000R
Factory Authorized Aqua Hot Repair Center
Southeast Texas Area


If you search this site, you will find that Rudy is THE GUY when it comes to Aquahot. He is an all around great guy and will not steer you wrong. Give him a call and see what he says.


Bill Johnson
Birmingham, Alabama

Howdy and welcome to the gurus.

I see this is your first visit. Please take the time to add a signature using the USER CP. It will help us help you in the future. It would also be helpful to make a post under New Members telling us about your self. In particular your experience in RVing, mechanical, and electrical skills. As you can imagine with new members we don’t know if you build race cars for a living or you’re completely uncomfortable with a screwdriver. Not making any judgements, just saying the answer is tailored to you.

That being said, I fall into the camp of anything can be fixed. Buying a new one is the LAST resort in my book.

Your post sort of bleeds frustration. The AH units in our coaches are pretty robust, and when sorted out work extremely well. There is not much on them that cannot be repaired for far less than the total replacement cost.

It might be worth your time to post exactly what the problems are instead of everything is bad and the manifolds leak.

Is it leaking coolant ? If so, where?
Is it leaking fresh water, and if so where?
Does if heat water on electric?
Does the diesel burner fire?
Is the diesel burner flaky in operation?

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

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