02-10-2020, 06:12 PM
Only read this if you are bored and have a strange attraction to new tools.
I wanted to throw a shout-out to Richard....but first a story.
I have been hearing my air compressor turn on more than I thought it should so I got out my trusty Inficon leak detector. I check around the dash, the toilet, the doors and the rest of the inside air systems. No dice.
Next I looked outside at the slide seals, the water bays and compressor bay. Still nothing.
I made my way to the engine bay and found a slight leak on the shop air input connector. A good start, but would not account for the amount of air I was losing.
Finally I start looking at the slide seal controllers. The first one I got to was LEAKING AIR! Lots of air! I could tell some air was coming from the bottom of the water separator.
No problem...I had a spare separator and was able to take the bottom out of the new one and swap with the old one. Leak fixed!
In the words of Coach Corso...."Not so fast!".
Leak was still there.
I got the leak detector out and found a second leak...much worse than the first one on the back of the vacuum filter - whatever that is. A push-in fitting was leaking. No problem! I have super good DOT fittings and I will just swap it out. I used a wrench to try and back off the fitting. Hmmm. my wrenches don't seem to be the right size.
I forgot to tell you the story of my Knipex pliers. I was at Richard's house and was helping work on something and he pulled a pair of Knipex pliers out of his pocket. Wow....best pliers I have ever seen. knipex pliers. If you know me, you know I am a sucker for nice tools so I ordered a set. When they got here, I put them on the coach but did not use them because they were so .... "pretty".
I thought to myself...this is a job for my new pliers. I got them adjusted and leaned into the air fitting and SNAP! Broke it right off!!!!
Here is the broken air connector.
I called Richard he immediately suggested a screw extractor. I found one at HD but here is a link to a similar Tool. It worked!!!
I put it all back together and yep...still had a leak. Now the regulator is leaking...but that is another post.
Oh and a bonus pic....the pliers and the broken air fitting.
Thanks to Richard for the great suggestion to fix the problem that he created in the first place!
Also, get yourself some Knipex pliers but don't ever use them!
Only read this if you are bored and have a strange attraction to new tools.
I wanted to throw a shout-out to Richard....but first a story.
I have been hearing my air compressor turn on more than I thought it should so I got out my trusty Inficon leak detector. I check around the dash, the toilet, the doors and the rest of the inside air systems. No dice.
Next I looked outside at the slide seals, the water bays and compressor bay. Still nothing.
I made my way to the engine bay and found a slight leak on the shop air input connector. A good start, but would not account for the amount of air I was losing.
Finally I start looking at the slide seal controllers. The first one I got to was LEAKING AIR! Lots of air! I could tell some air was coming from the bottom of the water separator.
No problem...I had a spare separator and was able to take the bottom out of the new one and swap with the old one. Leak fixed!
In the words of Coach Corso...."Not so fast!".
Leak was still there.
I got the leak detector out and found a second leak...much worse than the first one on the back of the vacuum filter - whatever that is. A push-in fitting was leaking. No problem! I have super good DOT fittings and I will just swap it out. I used a wrench to try and back off the fitting. Hmmm. my wrenches don't seem to be the right size.
I forgot to tell you the story of my Knipex pliers. I was at Richard's house and was helping work on something and he pulled a pair of Knipex pliers out of his pocket. Wow....best pliers I have ever seen. knipex pliers. If you know me, you know I am a sucker for nice tools so I ordered a set. When they got here, I put them on the coach but did not use them because they were so .... "pretty".
I thought to myself...this is a job for my new pliers. I got them adjusted and leaned into the air fitting and SNAP! Broke it right off!!!!
Here is the broken air connector.
I called Richard he immediately suggested a screw extractor. I found one at HD but here is a link to a similar Tool. It worked!!!
I put it all back together and yep...still had a leak. Now the regulator is leaking...but that is another post.
Oh and a bonus pic....the pliers and the broken air fitting.
Thanks to Richard for the great suggestion to fix the problem that he created in the first place!

Also, get yourself some Knipex pliers but don't ever use them!
Bill Johnson
Birmingham, Alabama