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ten pages and counting

There is a quite a current thread on used Newells on You might want to weigh in.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

Pretty interesting read - I didn't jump in the fray, but after 6 months with our Newell, I'd have no interest in going with other brand. While I'd replaced some bulbs, converted some to LED's, a switch or two etc, etc, etc. Overall I'm astounded at the quality of materials used. All the doors shut smoothly with -zero- glaring issues.

For a '87 model I am completely impressed.

Preaching to the choir though, huh. Big Grin


marc & shari popejoy
western Oklahoma
1987 Newell #135

Their conversation is leading to more converts.. They just don't know it yet!!


I am always astounded at comments that show that so many have no idea of the difference between a Monaco and a Newell and lump them into the same category. The comments about disliking Newells because they have too much 'glitz' are equally astounding. Of course most of the comments are from folks who have likely never seen a Newell in person but have formed an opinion none the less.

Until a person spends time with a particular coach, they don't really have an appreciation of the difference in the quality of materials and construction practices can make. Without first hand experience, it can be difficult to 'justify' spending more on a 10-15 year old coach than the cost of a 2 year old, or even a new motorhome from the high volume manufacturers.

While features do sell a lot of motorhomes, a poor implementation of a nice feature can be a nightmare. I concur that most RVers will never have to worry about whether a motorhome will last 250,000 miles, 500,000 miles or 1,000,000 miles, the quality of materials and workmanship that go into making a Newell allows me to feel comfortable with owning one that is over 20 years old. There are certainly few manufacturers that build a product that I would make that same statement about.

Michael Day
1992 Newell 43.5' #281

Well said, Michael.

06 M450LXi 3 slide

i suspect we have some new members or at least people who are reading our forum because of that discussion on and i want to welcome them wholeheartedly. we here love our newells, prevosts, foretravels, wanderlodges and more. (all and others are members of newellgurus and totally welcome). admittedly i started the forum becuase i have a newell and in fact have had 2 of them like so many of the gurus that have had 2 or more. i love coaches of all kinds, but do have a passion for my newell. the discussions on this forum are mostly about newell or other coaches that have similar to like systems.

i have said it before and will many times more that the best thing about having our newell is our friends we met through this forum.

anyone is always welcome to stop by and visit darlene and i and see our newell if in the phoenix metro area. i feel very comfortable in my newell in my bib overalls and newellgurus cap.


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


There are three things I would say about owning a Newell; 1)factory support is outstanding despite them having to know I will never spend big bucks with them, 2) the tenor of this group is inspiring both as a recipient of the wisdom here and the gratitude expressed when I have some guruness to offer, 3) I have never owned any mechanical device that was 35 years old that has stood up as well as the 77 Newell I used to own (if this is repeated with the current 93 model I'll probably be dead before something bad happens with it).

Jon Kabbe
1993 coach 337 with Civic towed

In addition to the outstanding construction, two very important benefits to me owing a Newell are the factory support and this forum. Plus the forum and its members are fun folks.

2001 Newell #579
tow a Honda Odyssey
fun car: 1935 Mercedes 500K replica

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