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Cummins Addressing Counterfeit Parts

Counterfeit parts are everywhere and Cummins is addressing the problem.

Cummins Parts New Labelling

Cummins Parts Authentication

2014 Newell Coach 1482 Mid Entry 45'8" Valid Slides and Valid Levelling

Amazing. I received Baldwin diesel fuel filters and NGK spark plugs from Amazon last year. Both items were fake. If they will reproduce a 6 dollar spark plug, they have no limits Sad

Guy & Sue Cobham
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
1984 Classic 40' #59

How can you tell the fakes? “Balwin” filter instead of Baldwin? Usually it’s spelling that I can tell but these days who knows?

1993 8v92TA #312

The Baldwin filters had an  inferior gasket that was very narrow, and fell out of the filter. It was missing the seal wrap on the filter for shipping I was fortunate to have 1 new "old stock " from a prior year to compare it to. Also it had smell found in Harbor Freight stores. Smile The paint and spelling was good. The NGK sparkplugs for our toad had very poor printing on both the packaging and the plug itself.

Guy & Sue Cobham
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
1984 Classic 40' #59

My brother sells real stuff on amazon.  The fake sellers on Amazon usually have low stock so if they are shut down they don't loose too much stock.  They drive the price down so far that real sellers have a hard time competing.  

For anything that you really want to be real, I suggest going away from Amazon and possibly going direct.  

Fake sellers often have weird company names that make absolutely no sense in English either...

Good luck out there

I agree with not buying something crucial to operation on Amazon. Funny thing is when I do a google search for something specific, it shows Amazon as having it. When I click amazon, it is some kind of knockoff. Ticks me off.

1993 8v92TA #312

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