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Storage building

also, did that price have rebar in the concrete floor and if so, what spacing.


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


I built this one 2 years ago, I think. It may have been 3. It just goes by too fast anymore.

That did include the building floor. The 1/2" rebar is on 2' centers in 5.5" 4000 psi concrete. I have a bird bath along the side on the coach in the middle as a floor drain and a dump station plumbed into it all. I don't yet have a septic tank installed.

The side walls are 16', with a 3/2 roof pitch. There is a 12' wide 16' high roll up door on each end and one 3' walk through. I also have a couple of weld pads one one end for a double door entry.

Originally I planned on building a joining building between this one and the old one, which is offset about 15' on one end. A roof and 2 walls would give me a 20'x22' shop. The double door would have been access between them, with a similar one installed in the side of the older building. Since it looks like we won't be here long enough to really benefit from the cash outlay, I've held up on this one. The capital will go to the next (and probably last).

So that cost was essentially everything but my final wiring and ceiling lights. 20 lights in the ceiling and 5 quad outlets down each side.

06 M450LXi 3 slide

First quote was between 15-20 per foot insulated. Depending on site work not including the garage doors them self.. What say ye?

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701


That sounds about par for the current market. My site was relatively level, but I did more a couple of trees to clearance the building some. I would definitely expect them to tighten that quote up once you get serious. It should be- "Here's the total $39,250.00 (for instance), half due to start and the balance on completion. This includes building framed, insulated and sheeted, roof with x/x pitch, concrete pad to these specs and all site work and cleanup". I'm sure you get the gist.

06 M450LXi 3 slide

I just received a quote for approximately 1900sq. ft.
Pole construction
trusses on 4' center
purlins on 2' center
3/12 pitch
steel roof and sides
12" soffits
5 windows
2 32" entry doors
1 12X14 steel on both sides insulated overhead door w/o opener
2X6 studs between posts every 4'
6X6 posts every 8'
no electric or insulation etc.
this is an addition to my current shop/garage
Material and Labor $20,500
5" concrete with steel mesh insulated with oxygen free PEX floor heat tubing $8000
5" concrete with steel mesh un-insulated no floor heat $5300
optional steel ceiling $3400

1993 Newell (316) 45' 8V92,towing an Imperial open trailer or RnR custom built enclosed trailer. FMCA#232958 '67 Airstream Overlander 27' '67GTO,'76TransAm,'52Chevy panel, 2000 Corvette "Lingenfelter"modified, '23 Grand Cherokee.

i can tell ya it is not that cheap in arizona.


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


About the same size as my hangar. One note regarding the overhead heat. My last hangar had radiant heat overhead and worked ok but the last hangar I built I put the PEX tubing in the floor and heated the whole thing with a 50 gal hot water heater.....way cheaper than the overhead. Heating the floor makes a huge heat sink. I liked it so well my house is completely heated with it.

The floor heat is one of the things I'm ruminating on.
My heating fuel options are limited to LP gas.
I can do the overhead radiant tube for $2500. At this time my only goal is to keep it above freezing. I'm not planning to work in there in the winter. I REALLY like floor heat in a work area but not sure if the added cost is justify-able here.( I figure that I'll have another $1500 in plumbing,pump, and heat source for the floor heat) The on going heating energy cost is the most important issue. I am also considering a couple of those ceramic 100% efficient (non-vented) hanging radiant heaters.

1993 Newell (316) 45' 8V92,towing an Imperial open trailer or RnR custom built enclosed trailer. FMCA#232958 '67 Airstream Overlander 27' '67GTO,'76TransAm,'52Chevy panel, 2000 Corvette "Lingenfelter"modified, '23 Grand Cherokee.

My bird acts as a pretty good heat sink, so I haven't seen the inside building temps below freezing enough to cause problems. I keep a water bottle sitting inside so I can see if it freezes, besides a thermometer. The bottle has never even had slush in it yet. Tomorrow night is supposed to get to 10, so I'll see what it looks like Monday morning. The bus is set to 45 inside.

06 M450LXi 3 slide

I have 5200 sq ft under roof, shop is 40 x 60, one 20 x 60 lean to on southside, 20 x 40 porches on each end. Sixteen ft walls, two 14 x 14 doors on one end and one 14 x 14 on the other. Two 4 x 7 entry doors. 2'centered rebar, 27 10'deep x 1' concrete pillars under slab, 4000psi concrete. Six skylights, six light fixtures inside with 6 T 8 bulbs each, 3 fixtures under lean to and two each on porches. Plumbed for a bathroom and kitchen, has water, electrical all done, black pipe for my compressed air system, two 100k btu infared overhead heaters, three 50 amp plugs, $16.50 ft/sq total cost in Jan of 2012.

Steve Magown
Calhoun, LA
2001 Prevost H3 Vantare
formerly Newell #458

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