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Operator manuals

I am purchasing a 1997 Newell coach, I am in need of operators manuals for a coach this vintage. Anything could help. A lot of things I can figure out but am new to owning this type of equipment. If someone has anything that would help it is greatly appreciated. I would pay for copies to be made say at a copy service or could make copies myself and return manuals. Thanks I am depending on you Newell folks for some assistance or guidance.

steve magowan? do you have a manual on your 97 you could scan or take pictures of?

the manual is not very detailed. most of the documentation is the manufacturers users guide put in a binder, but there is a small users manual that newell did as well


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


Where are you located?

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

I am in Baton Rouge Louisiana

And would be happy to work with you any way we can if you can help

If you can wait until November we will be at our winter spot in Paincourtville, LA. I do have the Newell manual for my 1998 which should have similar systems + a lot of other manuals. I'd be more than happy to let you copy them and share any knowledge I can on your 1997. After we bought our 1998 we spent time with Steve Bare who has a 1999 and he was a great help in explaining a lot of the features.
Which 1997 are you buying?

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

I'm in W Monroe and you are welcome to copy my 97 info. I have 50 amp power , water, and a dump. Come on up.

Steve Magown
Calhoun, LA
2001 Prevost H3 Vantare
formerly Newell #458

Thats wonderful news I plan on taking you up on your offer I am sure it will be a great help to have copies of your manuals thanks


We have a copy of both an '87 (8V92) and '99 (Series 60) Newell manuals, and I'm in the process of putting together a manual on our '81 (6V92) Newell manual. We've also got quite a bit of equipment brochures, O&M manuals, and diagrams/schematics.

I've recently created an album and uploaded some diagram/schematics of our '81. Since the '87 (1.3mb) and '99 (1.8) manuals are on the large side rather than upload to the forum, I can send them via email, just contact me (email: or call cell 303-519-4500)

Ki and Wyn Punilei
"Have Newell Will Travel"
'81 Newell "Winter Demo", 40', 6V92TA
'11 Honda CR-V
"Squeak the Feline Princess"

Thanks so much after I was asking I located the manuals in a lower compartment. I also found an extra control board for my basement a/c units that I had rebuilt. Thanks again for the offer.

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