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Air brake system

I have just talked to M&G Engineering about installing an air brake system from the Newell to my tow.  I have been using Brake Buddy for years and it is on its last leg.  It takes for ever to pump up and is a pain to connect.  My question is for those with an air brake system of this type, how do you like it?  I know there are other system out there other than M & G and I am planning on using them because they are in Athens, TX which is about two hours from where I live, plus my brother in law has had their system for several years with no problem.  The total price is $1203.89, which is not much more than a new Brake Buddy.  They are on the web if anyone would like to look.

Chappell and Mary
2004 Foretravel 36 foot

I have the RVi2 system and have been very happy with it partially because I can move it between toads. This is an upgraded version of the Brake Buddy, made by the sane guy who came up with it. I decided on this because I didn't want to interrupt my Air System:

Steve & Patti, Bonnie and Tucker
1982 Newell 38' Classic, DD 6V92
cocktails for as many will fit in the site, dinner for as many can sit at the pick-nick table and sleeps 2 since I fixed the couch

I have an air system by SMI Air Force One and it works great so far.  I have only had it for a couple of months.  The M&G system would not fit on my type of Jeep.  I am sure you will enjoy the M&G system.

Oscar & Janet Valent
Part timing
2024 Grech RV Strada-ion Tour AWD
2004 Foretravel U320 3820 PBBS - Sold
2007 Newell Coach #815 - Great Coach Sold

I am also a happy RVI Brake 2 system user. Swap between the Jeep and F150, no problem. I never wanted to tap into the Newell brake system. But, before Newell I used M&G and liked it too. Not every vehicle has room for the M&G cylinder. But if you are close enough for them to do the install on your toad and tap into the Newell, and if you anticipate only have one toad, then it looks good to me. Russ

Russ White
2016 Winnebago Vista LX 30T
#530  ( Sold )
1999 45' Double Slide - Factory upgrade 2004

Thanks to all.  I have not made a commitment yet.  Talked to them this afternoon.  Russ I too am hesitant about going into the brake system.  This is the reason I wanted to know more about what others used.  I will check more into the RVI system.  I do like to be able to use a system on more than just one toad.  I have used the Brake Buddy on three toads over the last 10 or 12 years but it has seen its better days.

Chappell and Mary
2004 Foretravel 36 foot

i have the m&g and it has been flawless.

have used it with both coaches


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


I have used the SMI Air Force one for 1.5 years. I enjoy how easy it is to hook up. The down side is that it's able to be moved to other vehicles so I still have my break buddy for those. It was installed by them took about 3 hrs.

Doug and Melanie Matz
2015 45 Bunk Coach 1517
Toad Ford Flex

I considered the M & G system also, but wouldn't fit on my vehicle.  From all I've heard it is a great system.  

I guess I am the dissenter here.  I have no problem tapping into the coach brake system.  You tap in where there is only air pressure when the brake is applied.  I tapped into the system at the right tag brake chamber.  I have towed now for over 100,000 problem free miles.   Tom & I also tapped into his coach's air system & have heard of no problems with his.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Steve Bare
1999 Newell 2 slide #531

I have the M&G system. I have used it on two coaches. It has been flawless and invisible. I installed the breakaway kit also.

I tapped into one of the tag brake lines for the M&G supply line. Also made a small bracket for the hitch to hold the end of the supply line. Installation on the coach is an hour, if you take a nap halfway through. It took me a little longer on the Subie because I had to disconnect the hyd brake lines from the master cylinder to the get the M&G pneumatic cylinder in place. That meant I had to bleed the brakes when I put the lines back in the master cylinder.

I would recommend this system without reservation.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

I have the Redi Brake which is a surge brake system. Just install the brake into the 2 inch tube in front of the hitch for the car. Install a supplied cable in the car to the brake pedal. Simple and done.

Rudy Legett
2003 Foretravel U320 4010
ISM11 450 hp Allison 4000R
Factory Authorized Aqua Hot Repair Center
Southeast Texas Area

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