I would start by killing all power to the coach, power up and see what happens. I am attaching an HWH as well as a Valid levelling manual in case you don't have them. Both companies have some of the same parts, my last coach had parts with both companies names and Newell probably added their own flavoring.
2014 Newell Coach 1482 Mid Entry 45'8" Valid Slides and Valid Levelling
(11-01-2022, 05:38 AM)hypoxia Wrote: I would start by killing all power to the coach, power up and see what happens. I am attaching an HWH as well as a Valid levelling manual in case you don't have them. Both companies have some of the same parts, my last coach had parts with both companies names and Newell probably added their own flavoring.
Thanks, hadn't tried that. Reset everything and unfortunately it didn't help.
At this point I'm in what feels like never never land. Newell punted to call HWH and HWH will call me back whenever they get to it. From what it seems like on my end the six packs are not getting the signal to so what they need to do. The single thing I can get it do periodically is to exhaust air from the six pack as if it's trying to go into auto level mode. I can then press the off button and that function will stop. Aside from that there is no controlling the coach up/down/travel, etc.
Had two other bizarre issues that have occurred at the same time which may or may not be related so I'll put this out there in case it reminds someone of something that could be my gremlin. When I got to the coach yesterday the 110 compressor was running...never a good sign when you just open the door to your storage as you know it's probably been running long time. Felt it and it was hot. Seemed very strange as generally speaking that compressor has run maybe once a day in the recent past. Item number 2 was that when Newell had me checking the two fuses for HWH at the passenger footwell the fuse was blown for my horn. Seemed odd as the horn worked the last time I was out. Replaced the fuse and the air horn still does not work, however the city horn will work. Again, maybe these two things are completely unrelated, but jsut wanted to throw it out there.
Brad Aden
2003 Newell #653 Quad Slide Cat C-12 engine
Towing 2020 Grand Cherokee Summit
St. Louis, MO
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2022, 10:27 AM by 360.)
The first one may be related. If the coach is in autolevel mode, and up is activated by the HWH brain, a signal is sent to turn the 110 V pump on. Was the coach left in autolevel mode?
So here is a trick to get you on your upcoming trip. If you will power any of the hot wires to the travel solenoids, it will power all four. It’s really easy to do this in the back. Just make sure you tap the hot wire and not the ground. Do yourself a favor with this hack, put a fuse and a switch in the patch circuit. Use these instead of cutting into the hot wire. https://www.amazon.com/G%C2%B7PEH-Solder...144&sr=8-6
One more long shot thing to try is to cycle the parking brake a few times. The HWH brain needs a ground from the pressure switch on the parking brake to go into leveling mode.
I don’t know anything about these people, but they seem to be filling the gap for HWH service. http://rvleveling.com/
Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390 Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512 Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home )
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2022, 05:44 PM by Richard.)
(11-01-2022, 05:34 PM)Richard Wrote: So here is a trick to get you on your upcoming trip. If you will power any of the hot wires to the travel solenoids, it will power all four. It’s really easy to do this in the back. Just make sure you tap the hot wire and not the ground. Do yourself a favor with this hack, put a fuse and a switch in the patch circuit. Use these instead of cutting into the hot wire. https://www.amazon.com/G%C2%B7PEH-Solder...144&sr=8-6
I don’t know anything about these people, but they seem to be filling the gap for HWH service. http://rvleveling.com/
Cancelled taking the coach so it’s hotel city on this one. Luckily it was just a couple day getaway and the last one till spring so I’ll have plenty of time to sort this out.
Looking forward to calling RV Leveling to see if they can help. My call to HWH directly did nothing but put me on a callback list. No insight into when someone might possibly call…nada.
Brad Aden
2003 Newell #653 Quad Slide Cat C-12 engine
Towing 2020 Grand Cherokee Summit
St. Louis, MO
what richard is referring to is that the 12v travel signal all comes from the same place in the box. so connecting to any of them will send 12v back to the other 3. btw, the coils on those solenoids are 9.5 watts each so 38 watts total or just a little over 3 amps. so tapping into most any 12v circuit will be ok. the easy one would be the light in the rear passenger side engine bay. it is only a few feet from the rear six pack. putting a switch and fuse is a great idea.
i know most of you love and use the autoleveling mode. i personally do not. first of all, i like to do it manually. second of all, i dont want to accidently leave it in autolevel as it then starts to do its thing when i dont want it too. 3rdly, i have one of the odd coaches that have the ebrake on two axles. so it causes the coach to shift and groan. after parking and leveling, i have to release the e brake and let the coach level its self. it can really lurch when doing that.
i have helped many folks with leveling issues and the newbies usually dont know they have put it in autolevel mode and have trouble figuring out what it is doing.
hwh can take weeks to get back to you. very helpful once they do, but slow getting to you.
2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608 Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH
Thanks a bunch Tom. Wish I had figured this out this morning, but it will still be a good exercise for me to know how to do this so I can confidently do it again if on the road and have a problem and I might have to it now if I were to have to take the coach for repairs if I can’t sort it out myself.
On the auto level, I’ve always just manually leveled as to me it just seamed easier for me to decide where I’d end up and everyone here said to stay clear of it.
Brad Aden
2003 Newell #653 Quad Slide Cat C-12 engine
Towing 2020 Grand Cherokee Summit
St. Louis, MO
Ok, got a follow up post here. So 6 weeks ago I had this problem. Writing this from my electrically challenged point of view in the hopes that others who share my ignorance may leann something and the other 90% can have a good laugh. At that time I did the following:
- Pulled fuses in HWH board.
- Tested for blown fuses in HWH board.
- Tested for blown fuses for HWH components in passenger footwell.
Called Newell and told them I did those things to which they said “that’s what we would have tried, call HWH”.
Called HWH and 6 weeks later got my callback from Frank in tech support. I knew it was going to take awhile as there are just two of them and they can only do so much. Frank was awesome. He says first order of business is to test for power at the board and then if yes, test for 12V at the fuse for Ignition, Accessory and Auxiliary. ACC has 12V, Aux has 12v and IGN has like 30 volts…well let’s just say I then learned the difference between millivolts and volts at that moment thanks to Bill.
So no power to the board. Head back up to the passenger footwell and start checking for 12V at the HWH fuses (instead of just seeing if the fuses were bad like I did 6 weeks earlier) and I not only didn’t have power to those two fuses, but I didn’t have power to my air horn and what do you know also to my rear camera, 6-14 were all dead.
Traced the IGN wire that feeds those fuses back to what ended up being a failed relay and we found out I didn’t have an HWH problem I had a relay problem. Thankfully coach came with a box of spares (thanks again Bill) and 2 seconds later all was well with the world.
A few take a ways in hindsight.
1.) Rear camera had been working intermittently on the last trip and we now know it wasn’t a loose connection it was a failing relay.
2.) Horn magically quit working at approximately the same time and also would have been a good idea to see if horn had power.
3.) When I called Newell I can virtually guarantee when I told the electrician what I checked he assumed any fool would have checked for power to the fuse and not just for a blown fuse. Had I let him walk me through a full troubleshoot he would have caught it vs. thinking I’d already covered the electrical bases.
The good news is I learned a lot and in the end it was a super simple fix. Technically I think I learned more the hard way on this one.
Brad Aden
2003 Newell #653 Quad Slide Cat C-12 engine
Towing 2020 Grand Cherokee Summit
St. Louis, MO
Curious as to the physical location of that relay? Some of us have learned the hard way that a fuse that looks good may be bad. Many use a light to test for voltage but 50 years ago I was taught to use a meter. Thanks for the update.
2014 Newell Coach 1482 Mid Entry 45'8" Valid Slides and Valid Levelling