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Fun encounter with Other Motorhomes


I just had an interesting encounter. I am sitting at the Newell factory and minding my business when one-two-three class C motor homes pulled in. The three motor homes pulled up side by side and several folks exited the RVs and started looking around.

I got the impression that they were looking to camp.

I went outside and asked if I could help them. They told me in broken english (German and French) that they were just looking around. I told them that this is the factory for the best American built RV and that it was also probably the best in the world. (Of course there was a lot of arm waving as I tried to make myself understood to the group).

I showed them my engine, and told them the price of a new Newell. "Ah, very expensive" was their reply..."but worth every euro" was retort.

Turns out they flew to Los Angeles and were making their way down Route 66 going to Chicago I think. So cool and such a great adventure. They waved and drove off into the evening.

So, in case Newell gets a surprise order from German or France, I want a commission.


Bill Johnson
Birmingham, Alabama

Messages In This Thread
Fun encounter with Other Motorhomes - by bikestuff - 08-31-2014, 03:21 PM
RE: Fun encounter with Other Motorhomes - by Yachts - 09-01-2014, 07:37 PM

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