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AquaHot rattles fixed

We had not used the AH in the bedroom since we got our coach a few months ago.  With the really cold weather setting in I decided it was time to fix the rattling.  I eventually figured out how to pull the carpet covered floors and sidewalls out of the storage closet in the hall and the angled closet in the bedroom where the TV is located.  I really did not have to pull out the hall closet boards but I didn't figure that out until I had pulled everything out.  The AH must have leaked before because there was old residue (dried AH juice) on the subflooring.  I checked all the fittings and made sure they were tight and then started working on figuring out how to stop the rattles.  After some trial and error it seems most of the rattling was due to a couple screws in the back of the AH were loose - the screws that hold it to the floor.  The other rattle was coming from the front of the unit where it hits (literally) the front of the cabinet where the hot air exhaust comes out.  I put some rubber from an old oven mit that was sacrificed on the AH alter...  after some trial and error we were rattle free, on to the bathroom! 
The bathroom was much easier to get to once I had discovered how to take the cabinet all apart and it just needed some rubber under the motor/fan unit.  It is quiet now also.  The only problem with all this quiet is that now I can tell the front units are rattling too, just not as much...  maybe next weekend... 
We also got a new sink faucet, instant hot water heater, Reverse Osmosis system (not going to use) and new garbage disposal (Insinkerator Elite - super quiet) so that the cabinet doesn't rattle when doing the dishes!  I have to figure out how to get several filter canisters and a UV light under the sink now...  

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Karen & Adrian Abshire 
1998 2 slide 45' Newell Coach 498 
Prior: 1985 Foretravel ORED 35, 1988 38' Foretravel U280, 2000 Foretravel 42' U320, 1990 Bluebird Wanderlodge WB40

Messages In This Thread
AquaHot rattles fixed - by pairodice - 11-16-2015, 08:21 PM
RE: AquaHot rattles fixed - by pairodice - 11-17-2015, 09:25 AM

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