11-16-2012, 09:25 PM
well, so far i found great guy in S Cali , name Art whoe specialize in AH systems and Gorge Berke said: he would let Art work on his coach any day, so that sounds good!
I did test with water ( feeling up the tank with water ) and see for leaks, we found that water is coming from the larger element ( 2400watts ) one the one on far left of the Webasto, it shows insulation totally saturated and alos you can see collant running out of the electrict contact area!
Art alos sugested another test to presurize the tank using no more than 20psi of air ( entering trough the combustion tank's hone end) and listen for sound of leak, if that wont show than fill oall up to the top of the tank with water and push air inside the tank with compressor or tire pump! you should see water just bursting out of the leaking areas!
Working with both Gorge Berke and Art it will help us finding the missing link!
Its will be somwhere between the two elements or bad tank!
Newell & Art sugested to go with rebuild kit ( they take ours and rebuild in 4 weeks time ) versus new sytem where you will nedd new plumbing etc. lost of more labor and money some 12k$ VS 8,000$ for rebuile tank.
BTW, for this Newell and 431XE/12 model you need to ribuild brom your old system , they dont have any on hand, and rebild one looks like brand new!
So, tomorrow doing one more test and see what we come out with!
For now , no heat or hot water! haha! glad we are in Warm Cali.
I attched few images.
Les Korcala
Les & Cheryl Korcala
Fulltime on the road hub base in Montana
Newell 2001 2 slide #582
security system 2 Rhodesians Ridgebacks (Basha & M'Kala)
Nissan Exterra 2007
Co-Motion "Robusta" tandem
Trek "madone" road bikes
Trek 5.8 MTb