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2011 45' quad in rough shape

(01-18-2019, 09:41 PM)LuxuryRVs Wrote:  Rim covers for front tire
I have Omniscope but can not get much help in understanding it or knowing if Im applying the correct scripts.
The dryer vent cable will no longer go in and out. The flap opens after we unhooked the cable from it.
The screws on the exterior body trim are all falling out.
The Aqua-Hot is not in the best shape.
The dump valves are strange, DS Dump Open is always red, even after the factory trip.
The fault code during the last no movement issue were 1176, 103, 102
And several other items....

Re rim covers:  not too expensive, just call Morgan and order from him.  He seems to operate totally separately from the service department, so no one will probably notice that the annoying guy is around.  Smile

Re omniscope, call Silverleaf and they can walk you through it.  

Re dryer vent, you may need to pull the dryer and work on the run.  On my coach the dryer is pretty easy to get out, but of course they vary.

Re: Aqua-Hot, other than the bigger electric heating element, I think they're all the same pretty much?  This doesn't seem like a Newell issue, and it seems like something you should have experience with.

Re: the dump valve buttons, are the valves actually closed when you close them?  And it's the light that stays on?  If so, does the light stay stuck on at all the places in the coach where you have a button?  There is a little magnetic switch that is taped to the gate valve that is wired into the switches.  Your switch may be stuck, or have fallen off.  Check yours with a meter first, and then call Drainmaster and ask them for help if you're seeing it not behaving.  (If the red light is only staying on on one of the two switch locations, the magnetic sensor isn't the problem.)

What are the other items?

Who else have you asked for help?  Have you tried working with another Newell-friendly shop?

You say you're stuck with the coach because you've put money into it, but that sounds like sunk-cost fallacy to me.  It sounds like a horrible fit for the rental market, especially given the hassles you've endured.  Why not sell it to someone who has the time/energy to take care of it?  It seems like you could find more profitable ways to spend your business day than learning the intricacies of one of the most complex RV machines on the planet just to deal with the only one you have in your fleet (and the zero additional ones you plan to buy!).

2008 Newell #1234
Boulder, CO


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RE: 2011 45' quad in rough shape - by LuxuryRVs - 01-18-2019, 09:41 PM
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RE: 2011 45' quad in rough shape - by LuxuryRVs - 03-27-2019, 11:17 PM

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