10-27-2022, 07:39 AM
richard and jack,
as far as i know and have seen, that front drivers side salon size have all been the same in that vintage. jack, i think you said you have the old seal. easy enough to compare sizes. in addition, if you put the length and height of your slide, i will measure mine this morning and compare. i will bet they are the same size. richard is right, they only stock one size seal and you cut and seal like we discussed on the phone for the other slides if they are smaller.
when we did tonys seal, because that plastic spacer had been out for some time on the bottom, as the slide slid over that area, it smashed about a foot long piece of that plastic track that the seal snaps in. we could have replaced the track, but instead made a decision to trim the bad piece so the seal would sit in it and used lots of adhesive in the area to keep the seal in. in talking to tony, that has worked for some time.
it takes some pretty strong thumbs and fingers to snap that seal in the track. so do your exercises.....ha
and like richard said more eloquently than i did, as you put the new seal in from the bottom working your way to the top, you will need to adjust and slide as you get to the top to have it all fit properly. so dont let the adhesive set totally as you do it.
i wish i was there to help.
as far as i know and have seen, that front drivers side salon size have all been the same in that vintage. jack, i think you said you have the old seal. easy enough to compare sizes. in addition, if you put the length and height of your slide, i will measure mine this morning and compare. i will bet they are the same size. richard is right, they only stock one size seal and you cut and seal like we discussed on the phone for the other slides if they are smaller.
when we did tonys seal, because that plastic spacer had been out for some time on the bottom, as the slide slid over that area, it smashed about a foot long piece of that plastic track that the seal snaps in. we could have replaced the track, but instead made a decision to trim the bad piece so the seal would sit in it and used lots of adhesive in the area to keep the seal in. in talking to tony, that has worked for some time.
it takes some pretty strong thumbs and fingers to snap that seal in the track. so do your exercises.....ha
and like richard said more eloquently than i did, as you put the new seal in from the bottom working your way to the top, you will need to adjust and slide as you get to the top to have it all fit properly. so dont let the adhesive set totally as you do it.
i wish i was there to help.
2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608 Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH