11-23-2023, 06:53 AM
I wish I had a piece of pipe to use. I though I had a bag of fittings in a bay, but they must be home in NY. The red handled harbor freight ones do work, but if they are slightly crooked the fall apart since it's only a tiny phillips head screw holding the whole thing together. Yesterday, when I was being driven around to various places looking for the caps/fittings I tried to find those hose cutoff pliers to no avail! Where did you find them?
I wish I had a piece of pipe to use. I though I had a bag of fittings in a bay, but they must be home in NY. The red handled harbor freight ones do work, but if they are slightly crooked the fall apart since it's only a tiny phillips head screw holding the whole thing together. Yesterday, when I was being driven around to various places looking for the caps/fittings I tried to find those hose cutoff pliers to no avail! Where did you find them?
Be seeing you,
Rick Miller
1996, 45'+, Non-slide, Series 60, ABS, 1.5 Bath, Reverse Floorplan