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In our coach we would smell odors, but couldn't isolate the source. Last time at Newell, I asked Creslie and he told me that at least our coach has 1 1/2 " vent valves near the sinks, which it they don't seal, will allow holding tank vapors to come back into the coach especially when traveling. Probably something about the "station wagon effect" where a low pressure area forms and higher pressure tank comes back in.

The valves should function like a check valve allowing air to enter the plumbing, but not vent any back into the coach!

I bought two of the valves at Lowes for about $10 + each. Big channel locks will remove them. I disassembled one and determined it only contained a rubber disk valve which is attached to a plastic rod which is held up by a small spring. I tested it by pouring water into it while it was upside down on the counter. It leaked profusely. The rubber was good. Simply a case of dirt of some sort between the rubber and the sealing surface.

Short answer, sprayed other valve with tilex or similar cleaner, flushed well with hot water. Now it works as well as new one. You can suck air through it, but can't blow any back through and it will hold water when side down.

Unless broken, just clean rubber disk edges and plastic sealing surface and you're good to good again. I installed ours with teflon tape to hand tight. Now, no stink! Other, better half, now happy!

Keeney brand, #24372 & 85539K on package. Barcode appears to 0 4622400507 0 at Lows.


Messages In This Thread
odors - by dannymarilyn - 03-12-2024, 06:27 PM
RE: odors - by BusNit - 03-13-2024, 08:14 AM

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