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No fan or heat from zones A or C

Now that it's getting cold here in AZ it's time for us to start running the furnace.  Zone B is working as it should but neither zone A or C is working.

 Neither the heat exchanger fans or associated pumps for A and C is coming on. I've moved the relay from B to A to see if that would do anything but it did not.

I'm now going through the manual and trying to figure out the problem.  In the manual it's telling me to check for a ground signal from the thermostat at pin 0, however it doesn't show me where pin 0 is.

Where would I find pin 0 and how do I check for a ground signal.

Thanks in advance

Tyler Phillips

Also, it's kinda strange that the one zone that is working doesn't have a wire going to it from the thermostat.

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Tyler & Hannah Phillips
1999 Newell # 525
Previous Coach 1993 Foretravel Grand Villa
Living in the desert, Glen Canyon NRA

Messages In This Thread
No fan or heat from zones A or C - by Pluto - 10-26-2024, 01:18 PM
RE: No fan or heat from zones A or C - by Trainer - 10-26-2024, 01:48 PM
RE: No fan or heat from zones A or C - by Pluto - 10-28-2024, 05:20 PM
RE: No fan or heat from zones A or C - by Trainer - 10-28-2024, 05:29 PM
RE: No fan or heat from zones A or C - by Richard - 10-30-2024, 04:59 AM

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