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How do I safely bypass a Slide Hydraulic Line?


What's the safe way to bypass a slides hydraulics.  I have a leaking cylinder and it's going to be while before I can deal with it.

Can I just cap off the Extend and Retract lines at the front manifold?

I'm assuming I have to relieve the pressure first.  From the forum I see I need to turn the screw on the solenoids 3-4 turns.  Is that counter clockwise?  Is that all I have to do to relieve the pressure?  It might already be relieved based on the volume of fluid all over the front of the rear passenger tires.

Is the proper solenoid directly across from the given line?

All my lines are labeled but of course it's Right Rear extend/retract and Left Rear Extend/Retract.  Is the Passenger side right?

Once I cap it off do I return the solenoid to it's normal position or leave it relieved (x turns the opposite direction)?

Should I cap off the lines as well?

I have hydraulic slide locks, is it ok to drive the coach after I block of the lines?  I have new front 365's about to show up in theory so I need to get to the tire shop.



Frank Boyer
Tulsa, OK
2001 Newell 45'8" #593 Red Series 60
Chevy Suburban toad

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