12-08-2024, 10:30 AM
(12-08-2024, 05:15 AM)Jack Houpe Wrote: Carl what about putting a 4 port switching valve connecting the In and Out of the cylinder to the In and Out of the pump, this will be the same for all 3 pumps.
If you really wanted the pump and tank say, under the bed, you could use it to accomplish the same thing. You take the pump output and connect it to a 2 pack of spool valves and you could lift the mattress, and push the slide out from inside. The return line from the spool valves would be connected to the return line of the pump unit. In theory this would work. Using a diverter like that instead of the spool valves would actually be more expensive, and prone to leaking. Spool valves will leak as well, but, they are easier to tighten up or replace an O-ring. You would still need the equalizer valves on the slide out. These are adjustable so the push out at the same time. If one side is pushing to fast you can turn a screw and "equalize" it with the other side. This is how auto transporters keep cars "level" when lifting and lowering them.
Like i said i don't have slide outs but ill bet that somewhere under that coach is a block with electric solenoids that control the spool valves. something like this eBay link.
If you can locate that and count out how may in and out ports it has... you could just replace it with a manual use one... possibly.
The real question Jack, is, would this really be better? The way most equipment and things running on hydraulics is going to electric over hydraulic. These parts are getting much cheaper and easier to find and replace. Look at a classic road grader with that stack of 24 levers in front of the operator and compare it to the newer ones, a steering wheel and 2 joysticks. Looks less daunting but the parts are just electric over hydraulic.
Carl Little
1996 Coach 435 Detroit 60