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Roadside & towing insurance

I have thumb insurance from Newell and they have towing as part of the policy. Pretty good deal

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701


I have Thum also. Has anyone used their towing services?

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

Ummm yep ,, no charge had to be towed out of the camping area at Texas motor speedway.. Stuck in the mud

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701


Phil at Newell gave me Ron Jarvie at Overland Insurance Services. The best quote was from Safeco part of Liberty Mutual. Ron said the towing coverage as part of the insurance package would tow to nearest facility with ability to fix. Reading the above, I guess I need to read the fine print... anyone use Safeco for insurance or towing?

Mike & Jeannie Ginn
2000 Newell #555 - sold July 2020
2019 Leisure Travel Van Unity FX (Mercedes Sprinter Chassis)

Just used coachnet last week, took 24 hours from when I made the call. 6 hours to find out a service guy 
could not get compressor, then 18 hours later to get tow truck. He had to travel 2 hours from Houston to 
get to me, then 30 min to shop. Tow driver said it was okay to tow allison connected for 20 miles. I said no, and he
said too hard to disconnect driveshaft. I said how about axle shaft? He said no wrench to fit it, had to get 
another guy with right socket to remove hub cover  [must remove some wheel nuts on my coach] 
He said coachnet will not pay wait time for guy with right socket and I would have to pay him for it.
Called Coachnet and they said they will cover all charges, and they did.
Finally got to shop and waited a week for compressor from Maine. Got it installed and drove for 50 miles before
same problem again [water leaking from compressor head gasket] Bypassed water side of compressor and used my
110 volt compressor for brakes and got it home. Sent the $800+$500 core, Maine compressor back, bought a $50 rebuild kit and
I rebuilt old head and installed. So far so good.
               The joys of motorhoming.
Anyway, a couple of tow truck drivers I talked to, said they will not do motorhomes because they are easy to break
with all the fiberglass and low clearance, and front generators and ifs lift problems, so shop for tow insurance carefully.

2003 foretravel designer series. previous 2000 foretravel 34 ft, isc 350, 1995 45 ft Newell coach 385, Foretravel [2], 4106, 4905, wayne bus, wanderlodge fc, gmc motorhome.
toads: 2011 honda fit sport, Yamaha Zuma 125, Suzuki tu250.
daily drivers: boxster and cayenne

Hi CS,
I will advice you to talk with your current insurance company and if they don't give you special offer switch to your friend's road protection policy when your policy expires.
Public Insurance Liability

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