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Aqua Hot

            On my last trip my Aqua Hot would not stay on when on diesel, but work great on electric. This is one thing great about Newell coaches, there is always a back up. After I got home I checked and one of the 12 volt fuses was bad, so I changed it and it blew also. So I called Rudy and he said it could be several things but probably either the motor has frozen up or bad bearings. I will come up and check it out if you want me to, and I told him to come on up. My coach was in a storage building a couple of blocks from my house with a 50 amp. plug right inside the door and I had water, but no dump. He was welcome to park in the drive if he would like to. So yesterday afternoon he and Carolyn arrived and we went out to dinner and came back to the house and had a good visit. They are really a great couple and Rudy is extremely knowledgeable not only about Aqua Hot but about other things as well.
I went over about 8:30 this morning an Rudy had already had the Aqua Hot apart looking for the problem. Some time later he determined that it was the motor bearings, so they were replaced along with several other parts. I did ask him did he think we should go ahead and replace the motor since we in there. He told the motor is running fine, but if I wanted to replace it he would. Had two in the car. Cost $500.00, and told him as long as the old one is running, no way. Don't replace what it working.
The great thing about this whole ordeal is that Rudy knew what he was doing and had the parts he needed with him. No waiting for parts to come next week.

Chappell and Mary
2004 Foretravel 36 foot

wish he was close to me

Ernie Ekberg
Bluebird Wanderlodge

Rudy is a great guy! I'm hoping at the rally Rudy gives a seminar on replacing the motor & bearings.

PS We need to get Rudy a Guru hat.

Steve Bare
1999 Newell 2 slide #531

Well Erniee, you can always come to him. He lives in Baytown not far from Houston. It would be worth a trip if you have Aqua Hot problems. He will be at our Ark . rally with any help anyone needs. He is also going to give a seminar on care of the Aqua Hot at the rally.

Chappell and Mary
2004 Foretravel 36 foot

My flooring schedule limits my activities. Rudy sent me a message.

Ernie Ekberg
Bluebird Wanderlodge

Steve, it is a lot more than yearly maintenance. When I got there this morning it was all apart. Parts laying every where. Rudy said, it is the bearing but we are going to be sure, so he put the parts back together and started it and said yes it is the bearings. Took it back apart put in new bearing, two of them about the size of a nickle, put it back together and started it up and there was no problem. Ran great. I am very, very pleased of a job well done. I watched him, but doubt I would attempt to do this, but Steve you could.

Chappell and Mary
2004 Foretravel 36 foot

I know how to do the annual maintenance. That is why I'd like Rudy to show us how to take the burner apart and rebuild.

Steve Bare
1999 Newell 2 slide #531

Any one of the Gurus that happen to be in the Nacogdoches, TX area, let us know, we would be more than happy to give you a park with 50amp. and water for a night or so, not forever. You know fish and company stink after 3 nights. Well maybe that's so I don't know.

Chappell and Mary
2004 Foretravel 36 foot


I have been asked to discuss annual maintenance at Table Rock which I plan to do.

But just for you, I can carry on and take the burner apart so you and all that are interested in what is inside and how to do it. It will not take very much more time to add this to the seminar.

All I really need are hints on what the group wants to know. An hour or a little more can cover a good bunch of info.

BTW, on your suggestion of a gift hat, I have my hat from Spearfish which I wear regularly. I have just now retrieved it and tried it on. Due to all of the kind comments made here my head has swelled so much I now need a new bigger one, thank you Sir.

Rudy Legett
2003 Foretravel U320 4010
ISM11 450 hp Allison 4000R
Factory Authorized Aqua Hot Repair Center
Southeast Texas Area

Are you thinking you need a ten gallon Guru hat? You Texans do every thing bigger!

Steve Bare
1999 Newell 2 slide #531

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