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Key west

Warm breezes , beautiful night

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Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701


I always knew Key West was really down under and now I have photographic proof.

Keep smiling, it makes everyone wonder what you are up to.

Jon Kabbe
1993 coach 337 with Civic towed

We are currently stuck on highway 1 on islemadora.. Bad wreck traffic backed up several miles.. So far we have made dinner and watching tv .. Gotta luv a nice coach.Smile been stuck for an hour now

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701



Did you end up leaving early?

Doug and Melanie Matz
2015 45 Bunk Coach 1517
Toad Ford Flex

Yeah weather suppose to be windy cloudy for next 3 days.. Naples suppose to be warmer and sunny going to pelican lake..

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701


Hope your traffic gets going. Enjoy your next zip code never been there hear it's beautiful. Spent some time at port st Luci west like it there too.

Doug and Melanie Matz
2015 45 Bunk Coach 1517
Toad Ford Flex

Just pulled in at 1 am.. 4 hour delay on us1 getting out of the keys.. Place looks incredible

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701


All the pics I have seen are spectacular there. I think Brian Pitts May be there with 1499. Hope are well rested now. 33 here now I know it's cool for down there but it's not freezing. Lol have fun

Doug and Melanie Matz
2015 45 Bunk Coach 1517
Toad Ford Flex

Brian is in Titusville. But this is his home base.. Wife wants to move here... Trying to explain the job thing

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701


Lol mine does as well, especially after this winter the job thing gets in the way.

Doug and Melanie Matz
2015 45 Bunk Coach 1517
Toad Ford Flex

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