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My first full exposure to Newell & it was very Cool...

Hi Folks,

Richard of Newell Guru fame, offered me the opportunity to come to his place for a look see at his Newell Coach, something I could not possible refuse.

He did in fact show me his coach but not until I cut his lawn, washed his cars and payed homage to his life size bust of Elvis in the back yard. I’ve always liked Elvis so that was not a problem. But Richard coming out in his white sequined jump suite was whole new experience.

The BIG finally came in the last song of the 3rd set when he finished with “You ain’t nothin but a Hound Dog”... I mean every K-9 in the county chimed in with a veritable cacophony of sight and sound, it was simply aha inspiring! And not to be outdone his wife Rhonda did wonders on the lights and fog machine!

Now to the coach... As most of you know Richard has a 1999 45’ Newell Motor Coach, but somehow the coach didn’t get the memo. Because if you want to see one good lookin put together coach you need to look no further than Richard’s!

But first let me tell you a funny but true story. One of the first things Richard did was to take me out for a drive. For any of you who are like me and have never looked out the window of a big motor coach while underway I can only say wow! The view up front and to the side are spectacular and in itself is worth the price of admission.

We’re now going East on Interstate 64 going up about an 8% grade with an 18 wheeler in front of us. I’m sitting there thinking “Richard, do you think you could pick up the speed a little?” I mean there was a guy cutting the berm that I thought would pass us at this rate. I no more than thought that when Richard says “how fast do you think we’re going”? So I told him what I thought between 40 and 45 and he smiled and said 68!

I was shocked, not only because we were going at interstate speed but the coach was so quiet and stable at that speed. We were ultimately passed by another 18 wheeler and he asked what I felt and I didn’t feel anything! There was no buffeting or movement of the coach at all. He then took it up to 80 so I could get the feel of it at a higher speed and the coach just sat down and said “yah baby”! It was a real experience and confirmed that I want a 45 foot DP with tag axle.

Then it was showtime... We first walked around the outside of the coach and Richard opened every door and discussed what was there. I had seen all kinds of pictures of different coaches by this time but seeing and being tutored by an expert like Richard is a special treat. We had quite a Q&A and he made me fell like every question I asked him was about the best question he’d ever had. That is a real talent and it made me feel like I could ask away without fear of warring out my welcome. So Richard if I wore you out with questions its your fault because you did too good of job letting me feel you were happy to answer anything I asked...

Then it was inside the coach and what a great place it is to behold. The interior of a Newell is special to say the least but knowing I was in a 1999 coach was kind of surreal. This is a coach that has been loved and respected by its owners. You could not be in the coach and not know that. It kind of whispers to you “I’m special - please pay attention” and I did!

I saw the inside of the coach when we took the drive but now I was seeing it up close and personal. Richard showed me every button, switch and gauge in the entire coach with an explanation for each of them and expanded on them as I asked questions.

I was shown the big things like the bath and a half, stackable washer/dryer, kitchen, and family area etc. And the behind the scenes things like the automatic latch that keeps the refrig/freezer doors from flying open while underway, the air doors between the bath and master and the master and living area, where the heat vents are and the way the heat is generated etc.

The 2 slides were in during our tour and I was very impressed how you could easily get to everything inside the coach from front to back. Something you may not think about in conversation but very important as you travel down the road or just want to go down for the night without having to put the slides out. Everything in the coach is accessible with the slides in...

We sat down at the kitchen table in the coach and discussed everything that came to mind. I wanted to know if Newell is a true year around coach and Richard assured me it is. He told me about the bladders that go around the slides to keep the inside air in and the outside air out! Starting the diesel in the middle of winter using the AquaHot to circulate hot water around the engine for an easy start and the insulation floor, sides and ceiling etc.

It was all very informative and maybe best of all was sitting with Richard and his charming and lovely wife Rhonda. They cared enough about what my wife and I wanted that they asked good and probing questions to get a good understanding of what my wife and I are looking for. It really helped solidified in my mind what we need and want in a motor coach! You know how it is when you hear something and you just know its right? Thats how I felt talking with Richard and Rhonda. I new it was important to them to not only help me know what I want in a coach but to help me understand why I want it as well.

There was no desire on their part to tell me of their likes and dislikes. There was none of that, they made it all about me. And when you consider what the two of them know about the Newell Coach combined with years of on the road experience, I was a very luck man to have had the opportunity!

I thank them both again so very much for their incredibly kind hospitality and helpfulness to a motor coach wannabe and a motor coach shallbe! I’m amazed at what I learned in such a short amount of time. You guys are both incredible teachers and even better friends and I thank you again and again for your kindness...


Harry, you are indeed blessed to have spent the day with Richard and Rhonda.....they are special people, and we count them as some of our best friends. One of the amazing things about buying a Newell, is, of course buying a Newell, but you also inherit a wonderful set of new friends who will give you the shirt off their collective backs.

Clarke and Elaine Hockwald
1982 Newell Classic, 36', 6V92 TA
2001 VW Beetle Turbo
Cannondale Tandem
Cannondale Bad Boy

Now that you've had a sip of the koolaid you need to really start looking for your own pitcher!
Richards coach was the first Newell that we saw. It was then owned by one of the previous owners we've since become friends with (sounds like a pattern?). This was about 5 years ago and we were just as impressed. That led us to our first Newell and we're now on our second Newell. And fortunate enough to be spending the summer in Colorado.
Now you can start to understand the magic of owning a Newell. Ain't nuttin better!

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

Professor Richard giving you the tour of Mickey...Can think of no one better to introduce you to a Newell. Both Richard an Rhonda are truly special people...I have grilled more peaches this summer with his recipe and now I need to learn how to brew the companion beer. You'll find that every one of these Guru's are truly amazing and passionate about their coach but appreciate any fine engineered vehicle. You are one fortunate man Harry!

2003 Ford F250 SD
2001 Honda Civic
2005 Chrysler Crossfire Roadster LT

I appreciate Harry's impressions, even if they are prone to hyperbole. I think that Harry would find that any of the guru's would give the same Newell 101 session, and he would be equally if not more impressed with their rigs.

I can only imagine the the writeup if he had toured Bare's "new" 99.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

did steve even take the sticker off the windshield from when it was new yet?


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


If you do go see Steve's coach wear sunglasses! The glare from all of that polishing is wicked....

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

There isn't much more I can add to your comments. I too had a similar experience. I spoke with Richard on the phone and he invited me to his home. They took this homeless stranger in off the street, gave me closes, fed me homemade chili, got me drunk on home-brew and answered 2,486 questions in one evening and welcomed me back for a second visit and answered another 13,294 questions.....even after all those questions, Richard still answers my texts, phone calls and emails! You see Richard and Rhonda have entrusted me with the care of coach 390. I can only hope that I may be as good a steward of this coach as they were and continue making memories that will last a lifetime. I feel blessed to have met Richard and Rhonda. They will never know how much they have touched my life.

Richard, you can blame Forest, he introduced me to you! The questions will continue!

Thank you Forest!


Bob Miller
Previous owner of #390

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