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Black Hills Mini Rally?

OK Elkhorn is very excited to have us so getting the spots will not be a problem. Once we solidify our date you will simply call them and say you are witnh the Newel Gurus group and they will give you one of the spaces we will have grouped together.

Let me run through the tally of voting:
A June 9-16: Steve & Patti
B June 23-30: Tom, Forest
Either Date: Clarke, Steve B., Richard, Chester, Todd

So you can see that if we throw out all of us "don't care" people or as I like to refer to us "hanging chads" then option B wins. However, before we coun the votes this way I want to make sure that none of the hanging chads want to cast a vote either way. Chester leaned towards A, but said that either would work. i could throw him back into A and really deadlock us!!

So barring any other suggestions please reconfirm your votes..especially the hanging chads. I will then secure our dates. I would assume that with people staying different lengths of time we will want to say our cross over time for the rally would be the last 3-4 days whatever date stretch we pick. Let me know if that works as well. Thanks everyone.

Todd & Dawn Flickema
Former owners of a Classic 1984 Newell
71 Karmann Ghia
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Either date is still fine............................

Steve Bare
1999 Newell 2 slide #531

"I would assume that with people staying different lengths of time we will want to say our cross over time for the rally would be the last 3-4 days whatever date stretch we pick." - Todd

That works for me Todd.

Clarke and Elaine Hockwald
1982 Newell Classic, 36', 6V92 TA
2001 VW Beetle Turbo
Cannondale Tandem
Cannondale Bad Boy

(10-31-2012, 06:05 AM)whatsnewell Wrote:  "I would assume that with people staying different lengths of time we will want to say our cross over time for the rally would be the last 3-4 days whatever date stretch we pick." - Todd

That works for me Todd.
I will be going to the FMCA rally in Gillette June 17th-22cd. This is about 100 miles from Spearfish so I would come on in for the Mini Rally on the 23rd through 30th. After that I will be going to Breckenridge Co for July and Aug. I am staying in Phoenix at Eagle View RV Resort Jan 13 - Feb 12. Hope to visit with Tom & Darlene and might talk Tom into some off road riding in the Fort Peak area. Option B work best for me.

1996 #422 and 2004 #689 with YELLOW Goldwing, BMW K1200S, RZR, Dodge Truck


Either date is OK with me.

2001 Newell #579
tow a Honda Odyssey
fun car: 1935 Mercedes 500K replica

b is best for us

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

Ok I think the block dates then for the rally will be June 22-29. I will compose a post this weekend with some preliminary information including how to make a reservation. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the Hills.

Todd & Dawn Flickema
Former owners of a Classic 1984 Newell
71 Karmann Ghia
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

todd, so are you negotiating a killer discount for us?


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


I am looking forward to this. Thanks Todd for taking the lead.

I can't wait to see you guys.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

richard, you should drive here and then we can drive up is only a little out of the way


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


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