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What to do when your whisper heaters quit

i saw the pictures of the teddy that i looked up.

i do not know if i have it. is there a separate on off switch for it somewhere?

so if i am to understand it right, the whisper heaters EACH have their own fan and mini radiator, and in addition to that, there was a backup heater in the plenum (TEDDY) in case they failed?

also, i do not have a cadet electric back up heater anywhere except the water bay below


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


Dwight told me that to disable the Teddy heater you pull the middle wire from the "High / Low" switch in wall behind passenger seat. If you have that switch, I bet you have Teddy. On mine when I change that switch it causes a fan in the plenum to change speed. I think I am hearing the Teddy.

Bill Johnson
Birmingham, Alabama

those cadet heaters are nice. I have 4 in the coach. nice and quiet

Ernie Ekberg
Bluebird Wanderlodge

i have a Hi/Low fan speed switch on the window box cover behind the passenger seat. right now it only works on one of the settings.

i had 3 of the cadet heaters in my 90. they were very nice. i replaced them with new versions and like ernie said they were very quiet. but i dont have any in my 02.


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


Tom- I bet you could add some~
Or stay in the south and you won't need 'em!

Ernie Ekberg
Bluebird Wanderlodge

Ya'll have me totally confused.....I'll just stay in warm weather!!
Played golf today in shorts and the gators are out already.

See All You Can!
Before Its Gone!Big Grin

ok, today i went out and played with the aquahot.

i took the access panels off of the various units inside.

the first one i did was the one under the kitchen counter. it is easy to get at and one of the two computer fans on the back of the unit was not working. the unit in the bedroom and the one in the rear bath are identical to the one in the kitchen. all 3 are a heat exchanger with two 92x25mm computer fans that have 46cfm, 2.9w and 2900 rpm each with ball bearings each.

the one in the living room has nothing other than hoses coming from the plenum below. one of the two hoses was mostly off so i wasnt getting the best airflow. so i sealed both of them and put them back on. only the HI speed switch setting gives any airflow out of them.

what i have not figured out yet is where the "extra" hose goes that is blowing hot air somewhere that is under that cabinet with the two that come out in the living room.

i am looking for replacement computer fans that have similar specs and have not found them yet. the particular fans that are on it i have not found in the usa yet.

the fan in the midbath is a heatexchanger with a single bigger computer fan on it. it makes a ton of noise and i need to replace it. unfortunately, they riveted the fan on the housing rather than using screws like the other ones. it is under the sink and pretty close quarters. i will have to take the complete heat exchanger out to change it. it is a bigger unit and seems to be a 120mm fan.

i think they all need to be ball bearing fans in that they seem to have higher temperature ratings they can operate at for sustained periods of time.

pictures below


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2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


On my front AH setup a hose goes to the dash heat .

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

hi all,

as is typical for me i try to find a cheap source for the parts i need. the original fan on the longer narrow whisper heaters was made by Japan Servo. Japan Servo was bought by Nidec. Nidec now only serves large volume wholesalers and OEM's.

that particular fan was interesting because it is spec'd at operating at 31db. the one you can buy from an aquahot parts supplier is a different version that is i think 34-35db. they get like 20 bucks each for them.

the wholesaler i talked to said only available in large quantities. i thought maybe group buy would be in order.....but i dont think we can consume 1000 of them.....ha

i have found a few others that i might try. i want to replace all 6 fans and the 3 fans on the larger whisper heater as well. just cause i can....

i will post what i find out


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


If you buy that 1000.......................................put me on the list for one spare.Big Grin

Steve Bare
1999 Newell 2 slide #531

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