I was snooping around an old bus graveyard here in Basset Virginia and spotted a Newell Coach of unknown vintage hidden away amongst all the other busses. There wasn't much space between it and the other busses and what space there was was occupied by trees, but I was able to squeeze through the door and get inside. The interior was pretty thrashed, like someone was trying to find something valuable to take, but other than that it appeared to be solid. I was hoping to find a build number but wasn't for sure where to look. I thought it was a cool find and wanted to share.
It is obvious by the size of the bush/tree growing between the body and the bumper that it has been there some time. Based on the headlights, it is a 1970's model. My best guess would be around 1974-1976 based on the lights, paint scheme and turn signals. Interesting find.
I was definitely surprised to find an old Newell like that in the middle of nowhere VA. My wife and I aren't Newell owners but are both from Miami, Oklahoma so it's kinda cool to me.
I see an ignition switch from Ford Motor Co, 1955-1975 vintage. I also see a bump up of a few inches in the flooring for the cockpit area. Could this be one of the front engined gassers that Newell built with Ford industrial engines?
Guy & Sue Cobham
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
1984 Classic 40' #59