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Aqua Hot Tank Replace or Repair

My Coach is at Newell and they just called and said I need a new tank ($6,500 estimate).  Yikes, I'm not clear on how much this is leaking, it seemed ok last time I used the system.  Are there any other alternatives, cheaper repair outlets.  I'm located in Oklahoma. 



Frank Boyer
Tulsa, OK
2001 Newell 45'8" #593 Red Series 60
Chevy Suburban toad

Is it the tank leaking coolant or is it the copper tubing that is wrapped around the tank leaking fresh water?
If it is the copper tubing leaking water then if you're up to the task the tubing can be replaced. There are a couple guys on the Foretravel forum that have done the tubing replacement. It appears to be a somewhat difficult job but certainly doable. If you're interested I can direct you to their posts.

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

They said it was leaking coolant.

Frank Boyer
Tulsa, OK
2001 Newell 45'8" #593 Red Series 60
Chevy Suburban toad


I have a similar vintage coach and I fought coolant leaks for a couple of years before I bit the bullet and had Newell do the tank replacement.

There is a small chance that there is a leak that can be fixed without changing out the tank. The tube that goes from the tank out the top of the AH box can develop a leak. Roger Berke developed a sleeve that fit down over the pipe and holds a new cap that seals the leak. Rudy (Trainer) is an AH certified repairman. Ask him about this fix. He can give you more details.

In my case, I had the tube leak, but also a tank seam leak. It is a BIG job to take the AH unit out, take it apart and replace the tank. Newell is one of the very few places that are set up to do the job. It is expensive but in my case was a lot less money than replacing the entire unit. I believe that Rudy can also replace your whole unit with a rebuilt one.

My AH leaked when I got the coach and I suspect that the tank had frozen at some point causing the leak.

Good luck!

Bill Johnson
Birmingham, Alabama

Thanks for the Information Bill. I'll talk with Newell tomorrow and verify.

Frank Boyer
Tulsa, OK
2001 Newell 45'8" #593 Red Series 60
Chevy Suburban toad

If it is leaking coolant where the exhaust pipe exits the tank, then let Newell replace the tank. It will only get worse. I have attempted to repair one like that only to discover the entire area was rotten. No brazing or welding was going to work.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

Thanks Richard, I'm pretty sure that's where it's leaking. Not something I'm ready to tackle for sure.

Frank Boyer
Tulsa, OK
2001 Newell 45'8" #593 Red Series 60
Chevy Suburban toad

Dump 30 0z. of pepper in there and it will seal it. But if it's already in the shop at Newell you may be too late to have given this a good try.

Tony Van Helden
2003 Newell #646 2 slide
Tow 2017 Grand Cherokee Trail Hawk
Citroen Charleston  2cv
Spencer, Iowa (summers)
Mesa, Az. (winters)

I support Newell doing the work as they are excellent. I talked to them this week regarding a tank replacement. I was told Aqua Hot no longer would sell them a tank, it was Reman or else.

If a Newell performed reman has to have your heater removed, sent to Aqua Hot, fixed and sent back, that is a nearly one month turn around with no heat or hot water from the Aqua Hot.

I have contacts that will provide me a Newell level reman heater so I can replace a broken heater in one day.

Again, not trying keep Newell from doing the work, just offering a fast turn around if that helps.

Rudy Legett
2003 Foretravel U320 4010
ISM11 450 hp Allison 4000R
Factory Authorized Aqua Hot Repair Center
Southeast Texas Area

I went ahead and had Newell do the work. I believe they had one tank left so it should not have to be sent off. Figured I should get it done while they still have a tank in stock. Thanks for the advise.

Frank Boyer
Tulsa, OK
2001 Newell 45'8" #593 Red Series 60
Chevy Suburban toad

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