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Alaska winter full timing

So far so good! Temps are in the single digits and dropping into the negitives at night. Couple of take aways so far is to ensure the front 110v compressor bay is heated and covered or it freezes solid . The water bay built in electric heaters are no way close to keeping the bay above freezing, requiring an extra electric heater down low. The rear slide below the head of the bed where the water lines enter the coach from below will freeze, requiring another electric heater under the head of the bed. So much ice has built on the sides of the slides that the coach will be stationary until breakup in spring. So I went and purchased a class B - 4 season coach by Xplorer a 228 model to get my RV and camping fix in this winter while in Alaska! 

Jesse Coach 582 2001

Good report.


1998 Coach 484
1997 Suzuki Sidekick toad. 

Those are good tips to know in known icing areas!

Karen & Adrian Abshire 
1998 2 slide 45' Newell Coach 498 
Prior: 1985 Foretravel ORED 35, 1988 38' Foretravel U280, 2000 Foretravel 42' U320, 1990 Bluebird Wanderlodge WB40

Good information. Keep us posted on your stay. I've been curious, but not courageous enough to try a winter stay like this. We can all learn from you.

Dave, Karen, w/Buddy and Moose. 
06' Newell #784
towing a 06' Featherlite enclosed trailer or
05' Featherlite stacker for toys and tools, 
or a 21' F350 Big Grin w KTM 300, & MTB
35' Packard 4 dr convertible
59' Nash Metropolitan
I like engines and wheels

Carpe Diem. Have Fun
Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

I had the same problem with the front bay getting cold.  My solution was to build a padded cover made out the same sunbrella material as on the awnings.  It was attached with four snaps in the corners.   My future plan was to add a space heater like the one that is in the Aquahot bay.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Bill Johnson
Birmingham, Alabama

Thanks for your report and good luck while in Alaska. Please keep us posted on your progress as well as any other issues with your Newell while in cold country. We have coach #581 
Dario and Andrea Perini
#581   2001 45'8"

Alaska is one of my first trips to make once I get the free time. My coach came with a multitude of small space heaters scattered about the lower end. Seems the previous owners were in colder climates before their trek to Arizona

1993 8v92TA #312

Ill let you all know of any additional modifications that have to be done but so far so good. Its getting to -20 at night now and all is well, except that even with a space heater and blanket covering the 110 compressor compartment - its frozen up. The 12 volt compressors are doing a good job though.


Hmmmmmm. If you are planning on routine winters in that climate you might consider adding a second 120 compressor to the aquahot bay

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

Had my heart skip a beat for a minute tonight. Right before jumping in bed I noticed that the aquahot dropped in temp from 210s to 150s which made me notice the diesel aquahot was not firing. Checked the fuel and it was good and not gelled so I broke out the trouble manual. Luckily enough it was just the B4 control line fuse- 10 amps. I guess in -16 degree weather the electric struggles to get it up to 200. Makes sense when I remembered my wife bought and plugged in a electric fireplace next to the christmas tree while cooking and running dryer - blowing the 50 amp fuse! I am truly impressed with this heating system so far, started the winter off with a full tank and I am only down a 1/4 of a tank running both diesel and electric sides simultaneously. Not a bad idea Richard, I may add a fixed electric heater in the front bay to ensure it keeps up above freezing and for sure limit the use of the electric fireplace!

Jesse and Sara White
2001 Newell, 582
2018 Silverado Toad
Wasilla Alaska

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