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Main salon slide rebuild

Seal is installed and slide is reinserted. Still much work to be done but the seal was easy peasy but the glue dripping down my neck while installing overhead was was not that much fun. Total time about 1.5 hours including installing the rivnut and cutting the new seal, (that really made my stomach queasy) gluing and folding over the rubber on the new seal and smashing with the SS plate. The seal was about 6 inch to long.

Richard the main problem with the slide is those dam shim blocks that on my coach screwed to the frame, I will lift the salon in the morning chisel them out and reinstall with additional shims to adjust the top to match up with the locking pins, this coach was way out of whack with the 2 rams not lining the bottom correctly and those shims. I will have to adjust the closed and open fully limit switch also.

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1999 45'  #504 "Magnolia"
Gravette, Arkansas
1996 40 XL Prevost Marathon 

You could have avoided cutting I think by massaging the seal. It looked 6 inches too long on mine too before massaging it

That said...nice job


2002 45'8" Newell Coach 608  Series 60 DDEC4/Allison World 6 Speed HD4000MH


As a totally different thought, are you considering increasing the insulation in the slide walls as you rebuild them?

This is a really great thread. You and your wife are doing a truly first class job. Keep it up!

06 M450LXi 3 slide

Articdude, I guess your name suggests you live in a colder climate. I'm not sure how you could do that, its spray foam and pretty well solid from the outside skin to the paneling on the walls and ceiling. The floor area has zero insulation but the mechanical need to be actuated for the pop up floor and thats the area they are in.

1999 45'  #504 "Magnolia"
Gravette, Arkansas
1996 40 XL Prevost Marathon 

Glad you got it back in!!!!!!!

Email me [email protected] on a different subject.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

My wife said no to a day off. She using the old plywood as templates to drill holes for the screws, some have broken off while trying to extract so she's drilling about a quarter inch away from them, as you can see from the prior pictures there are aluminum square tubes in the frame of the slide which everything is screwed too, in order to try and hit them all we use the old boards as a template. Everything is cut out and drilled time for a day off.

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1999 45'  #504 "Magnolia"
Gravette, Arkansas
1996 40 XL Prevost Marathon 

Wow Jack, that is some serious undertaking. I've gone through this whole thread. Really impressed. Much like you, I get intimidated but then I start to tear into things with no choice but to see it completely through. At the end, it is really satisfying!

1993 8v92TA #312

Yes sir no turning back now we have plans for January through March, time is running out. We bought love these challenges.

1999 45'  #504 "Magnolia"
Gravette, Arkansas
1996 40 XL Prevost Marathon 

Nice work.

2014 Newell Coach 1482 Mid Entry 45'8" Valid Slides and Valid Levelling

Hypoxia thank you, I wish I had your type slide, I seen them up close at Newell the other day and wish I could retro fit them onto my coach.

On another note I have all the supplies to to put the slide back together, we are using advantech decking rather than the plywood, advantech is not affected by water. Just in case!

In the picture you'll 2 sheets of advantech and 2 pieces 1" of dense foam, this is what we will use for the pattern on the roof rather than the wood they used in the past, also you can see the Omega board that is 2 pieces of aluminum with a corrugated plastic core, this is the roofing material rather than 1/4" plywood, it is strong, lite and will last forever and not be affected by water. I will use my cnc laser to cut out the patterns for the design. I have a 3d digitizer that is used to make patterns on the interior of boats that will give me a 2d cad of the old design which I kept. This will give us a lite weight rigid roof in the same design it was.

I cut and tig welled some new screw adjustment for the pop up floor as 6 of them were broken or missing so those have been installed and I put the pop up floor back into place for installation. I don't recommend removing this floor its a bitch to work with. As you can see I cut a hole in the front this is the only way to insert the adjustable studs into that front part right behind the drivers seat, all the rest can be accessed from the compartments below. There is blocks off wood that support the back and front of the pop up floor I will remove them piece by piece till all the screw adjustments are in place and bolted down.

I ordered some 1/2" and 3/4" Delrin sheet to make new slide guides as the old ones are screwed into place by someone in the past, this is going to be a tough job to replace 3 of them which are out of adjustments. You can see where I started chiseling out the old ones, I am not fond of this process but it is what it is.

My wife Kathleen worked all day yesterday cleaning out the sealant between the front face of the slide and the sides we will use 5200 to reseal this area as a lot of water came in from this. I would recommend anyone who has an older coach to keep an eye on this area it will cause many problems if it leaks. The new seal material for the windows will be in tomorrow and we will have this buttoned up tight before the next rain on Saturday. 

Thats all folks!

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1999 45'  #504 "Magnolia"
Gravette, Arkansas
1996 40 XL Prevost Marathon 

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