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GPS for RV's

(07-27-2023, 02:32 PM)khgeisler Wrote:  Alright, looks like a dedicated unit is the answer.  I own Garmin stock, so might as well help them out a little.  Thanks for the advice Guru's.
I have a brand new DEZL OTR700 that I'm not going to use if you're interested

Arch & Mary Jones
1997 Newell #463
Williamsburg, VA or Gettysburg, PA 
depending on what day it is

Not sure how...but my nice reply to you vaporized! Ha...guess that was a sign to cut it short. LOL

I've been on the Beta-Test team for Garmin on the last few RV dedicated units. Currently, I'm using the 1095 and love it in the Vertical orientation.

NO gps (or app) is perfect, as we all know. However, in my years of experience with many different GPS units, apps, etc. it's just really hard to beat Garmins. With them being connected to my coach network, I've got constant road conditions, traffic, and weather along the route at all times.

I love using Trip Wizard for ALL my pre-planning, no matter how short or long the trip is. I'll review and plan, and then enter the routes into Garmin; it's really the best way to do it. Forget any other methods.

I'm a HUGE lover of Apple/iOS apps and have used them all. Again, for the best safety and specificity, Garmin is the best all-around choice. Doesn't mean I don't have one of the apps running as a secondary/backup, however.

(07-26-2023, 05:05 PM)Richard Wrote:  Plus it has some features, such announcing speed limit changes, approaching downhills, overspeed, city limit borders, county borders, state lines, birthdays, yard sales, and nearby Dollar General stores that I have tried to disable. Seriously, I love it except for the incessant dinging.

Yeah, I disable ALL of those alerts, except for Crosswinds and Grades. Those alerts are buried in the driver notifications section.

Steve & Janice Vance
2015 Newell #1524
Glendora, CA

(07-27-2023, 02:07 PM)360 Wrote:  Garmin RV.  I do have a devil of a time programming in destination or heaven forbid an additional stop in my route sometimes.  I guess I’m just spoiled by Google.

I do also wish I could ONLY program it to tell me about upcoming truck stops or rest areas as that’s all I’m looking for.


It's not automatic, but uyou CAN do the search you're looking to do, but one of two different ways.

1. When you're on a route, you can go to the Home Screen, select WHERE TO. In the upper left corner, click the icon next to the search field and select "ALONG ACTIVE ROUTE". Then you can use the TRUCK STOPS or REST AREAS categories to show the appropriate selections that are along your active route.

2. There is a new feature, called PLAN AHEAD. This one takes a bit of getting used to, but works like this. When selected, it will give you a "time slider" in which you can select a specific time "ahead" to look for a POI. Then, you can select which category you want to search for within that time window.

Kinda hard to show you by text...would make a good video for me to do. Ha.

If you need more help, you know how to get ahold of me!

Steve & Janice Vance
2015 Newell #1524
Glendora, CA

Trip Wizard on a 11" iPad Pro along with a Garmin RV 760.  Having the Vertical Satellite view in front of me all the time is great.  Recently I drove a day without the satellite view, I won't be doing that again.  I put the route in the Garmin but don't pay much attention to it other than the speed limit, hill alerts and finding rest stops.  Trip Wizard doesn't seem friendly to making route changes on the fly so I do those on the Garmin and switch to Google Maps on the iPad to see the satellite view.  I also use Google Maps to zoom in for more detail since the GPS provider for Trip Wizard gets fuzzy when zoomed in.  I sometimes use Apple Maps to see if the Satellite view is more recent than Google in a location with new construction.

None of them, including the Trucker Atlas have many of the low clearance locations away from truck routes.  I tossed my Trucker Atlas.

2014 Newell Coach 1482 Mid Entry 45'8" Valid Slides and Valid Levelling

I'm glad they figured out a vertical (portrait) layout is better than horizontal. I don't need to see what's on either side of my route but it's nice to see more of what's upcoming. Now if they could figure out how to move your position icon towards the bottom of the screen....then you'd see more of your upcoming route.

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

(07-28-2023, 06:15 AM)folivier Wrote:  I'm glad they figured out a vertical (portrait) layout is better than horizontal. I don't need to see what's on either side of my route but it's nice to see more of what's upcoming. Now if they could figure out how to move your position icon towards the bottom of the screen....then you'd see more of your upcoming route.

The pivot feature is REALLY nice. Keep in mind, this is only since the move to an Android-based platform; and that has ITS buggy quirks, but it's worth it.

Also, the vertical orientation is MORE, for me, than a "longer" view of my route. Instead, the bottom section ALWAYS has a secondary set of data; ie. Trip Data (customized for next waypoint, ETA, etc., Grade Profile, Traffic/Weather.

Definitely the preferred view for me after all the years and units!!!

Steve & Janice Vance
2015 Newell #1524
Glendora, CA

(07-27-2023, 10:36 PM)CaptainGizmo Wrote:  Brad,

It's not automatic, but uyou CAN do the search you're looking to do, but one of two different ways.

1. When you're on a route, you can go to the Home Screen, select WHERE TO. In the upper left corner, click the icon next to the search field and select "ALONG ACTIVE ROUTE". Then you can use the TRUCK STOPS or REST AREAS categories to show the appropriate selections that are along your active route.

2. There is a new feature, called PLAN AHEAD. This one takes a bit of getting used to, but works like this. When selected, it will give you a "time slider" in which you can select a specific time "ahead" to look for a POI. Then, you can select which category you want to search for within that time window.

Kinda hard to show you by text...would make a good video for me to do. Ha.

If you need more help, you know how to get ahold of me!

That's so funny...I was halfway through your response and thought..."we need a video on this".   Smile
[quote="CaptainGizmo" pid="60660" dateline="1690522595"]

Brad Aden
2003 Newell #653 Quad Slide Cat C-12 engine
Towing 2020 Grand Cherokee Summit
St. Louis, MO

Hmmmmm, so i had already turned off ALL the alerts on the Dezl. But it still dinged at me. Why is this a problem? Because the chime is the same pitch as the alarms on the TPMS and my insulin pump. Both of which have different consequences than a change in speed limit.

So today I thought I would end run the dezl and just turn the volume all the way down. It almost worked. Keep in mind Rhonda is the one watching the screen. She said at the end of the day, must have been an easy day, you drove over the speed limit most of the time”. Arrrrggggh.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

Silence is golden.

1995 # 390

It is amazing the knowledge in this group.  Most likely looking at the 8" or 10" Garmin RV unit.  Not sure the dezl is necessary.

Karl and Lisa G.
Coach #385
Toad - Not ready for that yet Confused

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