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No fan or heat from zones A or C

Now that it's getting cold here in AZ it's time for us to start running the furnace.  Zone B is working as it should but neither zone A or C is working.

 Neither the heat exchanger fans or associated pumps for A and C is coming on. I've moved the relay from B to A to see if that would do anything but it did not.

I'm now going through the manual and trying to figure out the problem.  In the manual it's telling me to check for a ground signal from the thermostat at pin 0, however it doesn't show me where pin 0 is.

Where would I find pin 0 and how do I check for a ground signal.

Thanks in advance

Tyler Phillips

Also, it's kinda strange that the one zone that is working doesn't have a wire going to it from the thermostat.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Tyler & Hannah Phillips
1999 Newell # 525
Previous Coach 1993 Foretravel Grand Villa
Living in the desert, Glen Canyon NRA

Tyler. Call me. Rudy Legett
7 one 3. 8 one 8. 3234

Rudy Legett
2003 Foretravel U320 4010
ISM11 450 hp Allison 4000R
Factory Authorized Aqua Hot Repair Center
Southeast Texas Area

I was able to get the front heat working. There was a loose wire on the relay for the front thermostat that was preventing it from switching. I still haven't figured out the problem for the bedroom heat.

Both zones will come on when I made a connection from the respective terminal to ground. So it has something to do with that. I replaced the relay for the bedroom but it didn't make a difference.

It's supposed to get pretty cold the next couple of days but we should be fine with the front heat going.

Tyler & Hannah Phillips
1999 Newell # 525
Previous Coach 1993 Foretravel Grand Villa
Living in the desert, Glen Canyon NRA

Someone tell Tyler to read the forum and call me. NO call NO help!!

It is still 30 minutes till 8 pm central.

Rudy Legett
2003 Foretravel U320 4010
ISM11 450 hp Allison 4000R
Factory Authorized Aqua Hot Repair Center
Southeast Texas Area


Good troubleshooting so far. Now that you know a ground signal will start the intended zones. And you know the purpose of the relay is to convert the 12V pos signal from the tstat into a ground signal that the AH is looking for.

Confirm you are getting a a 12V signal from the tstat at the relay terminal.
Confirm the relay is wired correctly, when it is triggered the contacts should make to ground.

Richard and Rhonda Entrekin
95 Newell, 390  Ex caretaker
99 Newell, 512  Ex caretaker
07 Prevost Marathon, 1025
Maverick Hybrid Toad
Inverness, FL (when we're home Cool )

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