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Weather in Oklahoma

Before anyone travels to Oklahoma..maybe to Newell PLEASE check the weather before heading this way. We are under severe winter warnings here and it's sleeting and snowing! So please travel safe!


Jeff and Pam Reganall
1996 45' Newell Coach #432 Series 60, Allison 6 Speed
Towing 2012 3/4T Ram Truck loaded with the RZR XP Turbo
Prior:  1988 38' Newell

Get the RZR out and Jeff can ride it to work.

1996 #422 and 2004 #689 with YELLOW Goldwing, BMW K1200S, RZR, Dodge Truck


LOL He might have to do that! Might be a cold ride though!

Jeff and Pam Reganall
1996 45' Newell Coach #432 Series 60, Allison 6 Speed
Towing 2012 3/4T Ram Truck loaded with the RZR XP Turbo
Prior:  1988 38' Newell

Stay safe and stock up on firewood inside!
Still about 75 here in Louisiana. and rain

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

Somebody had a RZR out running around my office earlier tonight. It was unusual to see, to say the least. Tomorrow may be worse, as its sleeting now and not going to get above freezing until probably Thursday.

06 M450LXi 3 slide

We got a good coating of ice before it started snowing in NW Arkansas temp 20 & dropping. Brrrrr!


I tried to talk my wife into going somewhere warm last night before it hit.. She said she want ed to stay home.. Had I known it was 75 at Forrest's . I would have headed that

Marc Newman
Formerly Newell 422, 507, 512 701


Actually we were in Dallas since Sunday. Got back last night once I saw the forecast!

Forest & Cindy Olivier
1987 log cabin
2011 Roadtrek C210P
PO 1999 Foretravel 36'
1998 Newell 45' #486 

1993 Newell 39' #337 

Forrest...Total electric here!! LOL We do have a generator if needed!! We must have got 4" of snow during the night from what I can see right now, and its still snowing!!! Wish I was at your house where its warm!!
If Jeff didn't have to work for a living we would have been gone somewhere its warm with NO ICE or SNOW!! I hate this stuff!!

Jeff and Pam Reganall
1996 45' Newell Coach #432 Series 60, Allison 6 Speed
Towing 2012 3/4T Ram Truck loaded with the RZR XP Turbo
Prior:  1988 38' Newell


I need a bigger garage!!


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