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Using propane heat while underway.

Do any of you use propane heat while underway? Or just Gen power for elect heat?

I'd rather not end up on the evening news.....

Guy & Sue Cobham
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
1984 Classic 40' #59

In cool weather, I use the generator and electric heat. When it gets really cold, I do run the propane furnaces while driving. I have never had an issue with it but I do make sure my propane detector is functional in case the system malfunctioned.

Michael Day
1992 Newell 43.5' #281

In my last coach, we did it all the time. I believe the venting of the heater (from the heater to the outside) needs to be examined and make sure its clear and no cobwebs, bugs nesting, etc after storage.

I echo Michael, make sure your detectors are fresh and working

Dave, Karen, w/Buddy and Moose. 
06' Newell #784
towing a 06' Featherlite enclosed trailer or
05' Featherlite stacker for toys and tools, 
or a 21' F350 Big Grin w KTM 300, & MTB
35' Packard 4 dr convertible
59' Nash Metropolitan
I like engines and wheels

Carpe Diem. Have Fun
Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

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